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Lawyer; Rockstar; Wolf.
In any sane world being responsible for Tenacious D breaking up would end any shot that Trump has at being elected.
Watching an episode of Bones and they’re using ShotSpotter and talking about it and I’m yelling so much that I think we might not watch this anymore.
Reposted byAvatar WolfLawyer
i love work! i love being harassed for my input about 50 different things per day! i would hate to live in the forest instead!
Last time they did the whole “Joe has dementia” thing and set a bar that he could trip over. They realised the mistake and are doing “Joe is superman taking the drug from limitless” so anything he says short of a modern day Gettysburg address seems underwhelming.
this is what they’re doing with their money. seems smart!
The most significant impact that LLMs will have on the practice of law is that it will be more clumsy to refer to people who have masters degrees.
The left doesn’t choose celebrities. The right chooses which voices on the left they will refer to in their own media and elevates them. They chose people who kinda agree with them or people who are very easy to make look foolish.
Ken Klippenstein is streaming with George Galloway. The Young Turks are hosting RFK Jr. One ex bernie spokesperson is streaming with candace owens and another is defending Nick Fuentes. Brianna Wu is hanging with lauren southern. Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate how the left chooses celebrities.
If I had to try to pinpoint exactly when the world started to suck I would look very closely at when Microsoft purchased Rareware.
Is this supposed to be a knock on him? I’ve never liked the guy more than when I saw this.
Daughter: “Dad, what is the weight in newton’s of a 250g mass at the surface of the earth?” Me: “I’m not a scientist, I’m a lawyer. What do you want it to be?”
If presidents can just give people debts they otherwise didn’t have I think that from now on instead of cancelling any debts Biden should give them all to Trump. He can pay it all.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
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"Why should any of us take the time to read a book that no one took the time to write?"
Yeah alright, go ahead and crucify him. I’m sold.
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Reposted byAvatar WolfLawyer
Elon Musk is the Peter Molyneux of household appliances.
I am listening to boomers who have been retired since I entered the workforce give job hunting advice to my step daughter and despite having once had an active twitter account for five years I’m not sure I’ve ever heard such bullshit.
Timeline is full of test cricket and T20/americanization discussion today and it reminds me of an idea I had. Test football. It’s American football but the pitch is ten miles long and has natural obstacles and such. Game lasts for a fortnight. Players camp in tents between plays.
You broke the rules when you found out we broke the rules!
As a shareholder I would wonder if my CEO is also the CEO of five other companies and seems to spend a lot of time on Twitter exactly what he’s doing for the company anyway. $56b for ten hours a week seems a bit heavy.
Just found out that the video game Ricky Ponting International Cricket is known in the rest of the world as Brian Lara International Cricket. What the hell?
The same people who have difficulty believing the system is unfair to and gets weaponised against the poor and vulnerable have no difficulty believing it was unfairly weaponised against one of the most powerful people on earth.
Reposted byAvatar WolfLawyer
people don't say things are wiggity wiggity wack anymore
Iron Maiden said to die with your boots on but I just fell asleep with my socks on and that sucked bad enough.
Young people can be traumatised and require eye bleach too. Kids these days are having their retinas scarred by high resolution immersive grossness the likes of which would have blown your low-rez 28.8k brains out the back of your head.
Lot of Johnny come latelies making rule 34 jokes today. If you weren’t scarred by seeing something horrific on 4chan in the 2000s I don’t want to hear it. Stolen valor
“This case should never have been brought” is rarely anything of substance. It’s always absolute bullshit when the case was made out at trial. The jury didn’t get dumber based on the prosecutor’s motivations.
NEW Senator Susan Collins reacts to the Trump conviction.
A bootable offence
I'm not a prison guy but maybe we can put the former President in stocks and let New Yorkers take turns kicking him in the nuts
Is there a better feeling than finishing a trial and closing the 700 tabs I’ve had open in a dedicated browser window for the past month?
Watching crime procedurals trying to figure out if the boyfriend is the killer or just played by an actor who is not very good.
I have spent a bit of time in the USA over the years but always in or between major cities. Something I didn’t really appreciate was how “this private residence has a flag pole” is such a thing. You guys know that’s weird right? Before we even get into what flags you’re flying, it’s weird.
Me: who the hell drafted this contract for you? Client: you did! Me: oh… because it’s uh, yeah it’s really excellent. But there have been some recent changes in the law so we should probably revise it going forward.