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Old hermit, child of the West, retired to the wooded shores of Lake Michigan
No wonder Peter Thiel likes him.
Mine did the same. I'm 5th of 5, and she'd start at the top and rattle off the list like an auctioneer until she hit the name she needed.
Especially when you consider that those who accumulate capital tend to do so by paying those who work for them a wage that keeps them always one paycheck from going hungry. They're against UBI because hunger is the recruitment tool that keeps sewers clean, fields harvested, coal mined, etc.
US cops are also trained at mercenary schools now, same places that train corporate security forces whose enemies are generally a local civilian populace not happy about the sale of their resources/pollution of their environment/outside influence on government.
They intend to overthrow the constitutional order. It will be much easier to get away with it if they can convince people that it was already overthrown.
Nobody's standing between him and retirement but his own ego. He could have graciously exited the stage in November 2020, before J6, without classified documents, and spent the rest of his life partying at MAL. I've no sympathy at all.
The CCC with its nutrition, work, and education programs prepared about 3 million young men for becoming WWII soldiers. Growing up in the 50s-60s, my parents and grandparents talked about the Depression frequently. It was, for them, about like 9/11 is for us, time-wise. FDR saved a lot of people.
Fascists are like locusts, feeding off the work of others. All of the rules and violence are ultimately just support for a system of plunder. And when the nation is left barren, they move on to neighboring countries, while the plundered are assigned supportive roles of laborer, soldier, or breeder.
It is! I'm grateful for it. These old hands have a hard time with heavy books now, but I have the world in an ipad. :)
Me too! My siblings were older and not interested so I was allowed to move the Britannica set into my bedroom. I guess I should stop scolding myself for spending so much time heading down rabbit holes after random knowledge. It's not actually a new thing.
I'm not confident the Inquisition couldn't happen again here if it ever became legal to "not suffer a witch to live". Any religion can be distorted by those who control it. Hate's not hard to stir up.
"To counteract corrosion of civilization" 🙄 more like to cultivate the adulation of his fan boys
Engineering is a lot more fun when all you have to do is spout new ideas because you have a staff of actual engineers to figure out how to make any of them work. Also when you get to take credit for their ideas because you sign their pay checks.
This should be reflected in his sentence.
That sounded like the kind of speech a guy addresses to the women in the audience for the purpose of impressing the men.
Too bad we don't have better train options. Babies love all that rocking and rolling, landscape going by. Imagine having a compartment to travel in, instead of a spot in a sardine can. Dining car for food and a view. Rail pass for the summer to go anywhere. Americans are missing out.
And yet they both have enough money to live multiple opulent lifetimes. What is wrong with these people? Some day, hopefully, we'll determine what the sickness is that makes the exceptionally wealthy feel the need to continue to squeeze the life out of the middle class and poor.
It took them almost five years to figure it out though, didn't it? I mean, most of us said whaaat the first time we heard about it.
Of course. The mid-term version of that "cremation of dull care" ceremony from the Bohemian Club.
The whole revolution that was America began with the upending of social hierarchies. In fact, you could argue that the revolutions that followed were inspired by ours. This business of the few constantly imposing their idea of hierarchies on us is what is un-American.
I've always thought the drive to privatization was a matter of ensuring that the investor class profits off of all spending. But of course racism is at the core. This makes so much more sense of the fanaticism. Well I was looking for a new book anyway...
So "transfer taxes and fees" will take ~$49 million - for state and local government - while the remaining $1 million is a notch toward fulfilling the ~$464 million disgorgement order also for state and local government. Sounds like a nice return to the community to me. Schools, roads, etc. 👍
What these corporate heads forget is that their existence as a legal entity with special protections and tax rules is a privilege granted by The People with the understanding that taxes they pay and jobs they create benefit the community. If you lie to cheat The People that privilege can be revoked.
I do indeed. And often wonder how I will get by if it's ever gone.
Voting in elections is like steering a ship. You're not changing locations in one move of the wheel, you're just choosing a direction. If it's been going the wrong way for a while, correcting it will take time. If you don't vote, the ship keeps going, but you simply have no influence at all.
This is exactly why the NLRB, and all other government oversight, is necessary. Because if it was legal, they'd pay us nothing at all.