Patchouli Woollahra

Patchouli Woollahra

A cleaner version of a very filthy-mouthed Twitter account. If you know where, you know. if you don't, it don't matter. More focused on art rather than critiques, though expect me to still protest if you say something utterly absurd and terrible.
AI should only be used as an assist. the final hand in the work should be that of a human's. and for god's sake, don't mock anyone who doesn't want to use it at all. It's as valid a stylistic choice to do it all manually.
Story of our lives, eh? story of our lives...
In Singapore, coffee shops used to sell them. They were called "Pipe Cakes", and they were baked daily in the wee hours with tonnes of butter and sugar and cheap flour in the same fires that were stoked to make hot water for drinks.
it was a necessity because, frankly, until relatively recently we used some pretty rancid tea dusts and coffee grounds to make our coffee and tea. the pipe cakes' sugariness took the edge off the bitterness and the sour edging.
How curious. a loaf baked in an actual pipe, just like in the old days in Singapore too.
You put your left friend in, you put your left friend in, and you shake it all about, you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, and that's what #SecondLife is all about today...
*facepalms* it's a food, not a drug. I don't think this is possible without mods.
Biblically Accurate Birthday Cake
I'd rather die like Goge Van Dire - too busy to die.
And in a pinch, possibly a short club. I mean, wtf?
*sigh* no. at some point some idiot is going to call the rifle a pistol even though it's clearly a rifle. I've seen that meme.
god, if you're going to do that... at least assign it to a carbine-variant rifle. something you can acquire at close range and fire faster with at the cost of longer-ranged accuracy
Me neither. I learnt to use them only out of a combination of necessity in my job, and because sometimes I need them.
Please emblazon it on a giant onesie and go to sleep in Second Life wearing it.
No, just a practical guy who realises there's a difference between engaging at distance, and doing close-up work in the discomfort of your living room.
I dont know if they know, or care, or intend to extend an olive branch to those who stay with them. But the damage is done.