
America is not perfect. Far from it. But there are ideals worth fighting for, values worth pursuing, even when we fall short. Don’t abandon it to the totalitarians.
The Fourth Of The America That Could Be
Hey Ken, I know you’ve given up on Mastodon, but I figured it doesn’t hurt to ask - any chance you could post this over there? Your account still has 100k+ followers, and this article is Just That Good, IMO I did retweet(post, whatever) the one you posted last year, but it’s a substack link. 😬
Oh shit, I just realized your BlueSky account is bridged with Mastodon so I can just repost THAT. D’oh, I am a technical person. 😂
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend, but I really deeply dislike Mastodon’s vibe. It’s like being trapped at a party with two other people: one who demands you debate them on whether Dick York or Dick Sargent was the better Darrin, and one who becomes irate that you said the word “Dick.”
No apologies needed! I’m on both (and you followed me back on Twitter way back for reasons that will remain mystery 😂) I was impressed (in a negative sense ofc) that the Mastodon folks had managed to have a sufficiently negative vibe that you decided “screw it”. Figured was worth the ask!
I’m not gonna lie, your “hey, I’m gonna be over on BlueSky more than mastodon“ was met with sufficient levels of stupid bullshit that I was like “well, that would be solidifying MY reasons for leaving.” The post by the guy with the picture of Lucy and Charlie Brown w/Dorsey’s pic on Lucy aged well 😂
I remember and am pleased to follow again.
Well Ty! That was my social media claim to fame on Twitter! 😂 I think both these sites have potential, and there’s awesome people on both, but the humorless prigs on Mastodon needs to lose the HOA attitude (and it’s happening, but slow.)
"Link" , "needed" , "it" , "well" , and "slow" all have even numbers of letters. The quinton is leaving, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Oh, wait, that's just an avatar. You're not an RP gimmick account. Sorry for assuming lol
Feeling like chopped liver
Here I followed you - consolation prize. 😂
So true. I feel the same about it.
Sir, you are in MY Wendys, and you WILL debate me about the ethics of your cheeseburger.
Understandable. Stick to your convictions. Also, it was Dick Sargent. 🤣
How absurd. It's obviously Dick Gautier (he just didn't get the chance)
This is a fantastic way to describe the vibe
Dick Sargent was the better Darrin but the show was better with Dick York. There's no debate.
This a family app. We call it a johnson here!
I thought we called it an Alf hog?
“Dick”. Heh heh. Heh heh heh.
Do you mean that literally because there are only two people left there?
Mastodon would have a lot fewer problems if there were only two people there lol. Part of the major issue is that there’s so many people over there that even without the algorithm/feeds you still get swarmed(if you’re a large account)
I was being tongue in cheek, but I think the server I selected had issues and seemed very quiet when I stopped going there regularly. Welcome to thundertoot! A Mastodon Instance for the People.
Yeah, no, I was joking myself a little bit. My Mastodon feed is…daunting, and I’m following around 480 people. But I have an awesome iOS client (Mona) that helps dial it in* I don’t really use the instance feeds, other than time to time. *I’d really like to see BS get more 3rd party clients.
I haven't found that, but I have a relatively small, stable bunch of people I follow and don't go beyond very much.
I really can’t stand mastodon either
I use it for science feeds, mostly. And have a very small list of folks I pay attention to beyond that
This is a great description. made me laugh.... and nod.
Sounds most annoying because everyone knows the answer to that question is not up for debate
I haven't been to Mastodon much, but if it's helpful in improving the Bluesky vibe or making the time here feel more rewarding: I get a lot from reading your thoughts on recent events. I'm glad you post here, and I suspect there are a great many people who feel the same!