Xav Tenn

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Xav Tenn


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💐 Seven Suitors 💐 NOW COMPLETE “Show me, Ben.” Her fingertips skimmed up and down his waist to encourage him. “Show me how a man beds his wife.” archiveofourown.org/works/47467063… #SevenSuitorsFic #Reylofic
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This is now 10 chapters I’m too tired to crosspost but I love y’all!
Free Broom Rides Rated E | 6? (15,356 words) Rey and Ben retreat to the High Council... and meet his mother. #freebroomridesfic archiveofourown.org/works/509684...
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We're at the FINAL THREE in the totally-for-fun hottest man in Star Wars. Ben Solo | Kylo Ren is still int he running, but this is the toughest match-up yet. So he needs your support! Vote for our boy! #BenSolo #KyloRen #Reylo #AdamDriver www.tumblr.com/jessequinnfi...
Happy Wednesday! she, my heartbeat by @diesirate-gfp.bsky.social broke me beautifully and I will always be thankful archiveofourown.org/works/55081471 aaaaaaand a whole pile of a/b/o for reasons unknown, shown below #reylowrw
What Reylo fic are you reading today? Drop a link, leave a shout out, & scream some love into the galaxy! #reyloWRW #reylofic #reylo Help spread the love by reposting posts with the #reyloWRW tag!
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#reylowrw A Tale of Two Hans by Hissterically archiveofourown.org/chapters/139... the thing itself by ninepiecesofcrait archiveofourown.org/works/54130834 seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?) by Inayaluic archiveofourown.org/works/54573553
What Reylo fic are you reading today? Drop a link, leave a shout out, & scream some love into the galaxy! #reyloWRW #reylofic #reylo Help spread the love by reposting posts with the #reyloWRW tag!
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What Reylo fic are you reading today? Drop a link, leave a shout out, & scream some love into the galaxy! #reyloWRW #reylofic #reylo Help spread the love by reposting posts with the #reyloWRW tag!
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It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
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Happy #ReyloSSS all! What are we working on today?
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My #reyloWRW this week: seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?) by inayaluic archiveofourown.org/works/54573553 the thing itself by ninepiecesofcr8 archiveofourown.org/works/54130834 And I re-read my favorite parts of Love Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood 💙
What Reylo fic are you reading today? Drop a link, leave a shout out, & scream some love into the galaxy! Spread the love by reposting posts w/ the #reylowrw tag! #reyloWRW #reylofic #reylo
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Better than chocolate (2,572 where ben does a mini easter egg hunt for rey to propose to her) archiveofourown.org/works/23633311
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Reposted byAvatar Xav Tenn
What Reylo fic are you reading today? Drop a link, leave a shout out, & scream some love into the galaxy! Spread the love by reposting posts w/ the #reylowrw tag! #reyloWRW #reylofic #reylo
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My Neighbor Porgtoro.
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It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Reposted byAvatar Xav Tenn
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
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The Reylo kiss, white pencil on black paper #reylo #reyloart #reyloww #art
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#Reylo Artists - have a new piece you want to share far and wide? Post it, tag #reyloart & we'll RT! Please RT to spread the word! We're elated to feature the amazing @art-by-felidae.bsky.social this month! Please check out her work & follow her!
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Tag your art #reyloart and ReyloArtBot will RT it! We adore sharing #reylo art! Thanks to the amazing @art-by-felidae.bsky.social for letting us feature her this March - please check out her work & follow!
Reposted byAvatar Xav Tenn
Sorry I’ve been MIA because I’ve been bad about promising updates and then not following through, but The Inaugural Class update is finally working for me. It should be up soon In the meantime, here’s a peak of the poodoo hitting the fan for Reylo…and also maybe Leia? #reyloSSS
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The King has blessed Sir Clyde Logan generously for his efforts—and his sacrifices—on his behalf. Though he appears little in London, he is said to have been ruthless in battle. The home Phee finds awaiting her is massive, grey, she finds the appearance of it unwelcoming, dour. #ClydePhee #ReyloSSS
Happy St Paddy’s Day! 💚🍀🐍 Do you want to show me some #ReyloSSS snippets for spring?
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Here's a peek at #SevenSuitorsFic Chapter 7, where Rey finally gets to meet Leia 😬 Seven Suitors: archiveofourown.org/works/47467063… #ReyloSSS #Reylofic
Happy St Paddy’s Day! 💚🍀🐍 Do you want to show me some #ReyloSSS snippets for spring?
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E ch 2 CW/Unplanned Pregnancy, Minor Violence, Reylo kids Spy Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) and tech genius Rey have a run in that allows Kylo to escape. 8 years later Ben takes over his mother's company and runs into Rey and twins he unknowlingly fathered. archiveofourown.org/works/54354136
Give me a word and I'll see if it's in one of my WIPs ...
Happy St Paddy’s Day! 💚🍀🐍 Do you want to show me some #ReyloSSS snippets for spring?
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I'm copying @geneljumalon.bsky.social 's Twitter post on this subject, but I made one for Bluesky because it's so important; these simple free actions are vital to an artist's success on this and any platform.
Reposted byAvatar Xav Tenn
happy stabby day here's a Caesar to celebrate and here's hoping he doesn't suffer a similar fate, but we'll see, I guess! megalopolis / #AdamDriver / digital painting
Today, I'm reminded of these two ... lucky ❤️ reylo 🌶️ E ⏳ 14k, complete 🔗 archiveofourown.org/works/372134... #reylo #reylofic
I heard someone say recently that a person "wasn't even a cunt because they don't have the depth or the warmth" and boy, ain't that just the truth.