
Governor Kristi Noem issues a new statement justifying her decision to murder a puppy.
Can be put down, not must, not even should. She's damn proud she killed that happy dog.
Find it a new home? No, just take it out back.
Let's accept for argument's sake she couldn't find a new home because reasons: she's too unpleasant, irresponsible, selfish, and callous to schedule a vet visit to put the dog down gently?
Coming next: "Why I Did Not Cry at the End of 'Old Yeller' " by Kristi Noem. 🙄
"It was legal to kill Old Yeller. So there"
Not humanely euthanized by a vet though…shot in the face by its owner. And then you know in a blood frenzy the goat.
The point of saying it’s a 20 year old story and then saying you’d do it all again?
"I can understand why people are upset...." Nah, you still think it shows you as a tough decision maker. Instead of someone who didn't look at more options and just took the most convenient way out.
She's still trying to convince us that being able to murder a dog is a virtue. She's still a psycho.
"The puppy I shot would have been dead by now anyway," politics in the 21st century.
By all means Kristi please keep talking about this
Oh, so now we've moved into the murder-splaining phase. Take all remaining animals away from this monster and jail her.
Wow. 'Responsable dog owner' she says. She isn't normal.
Special mention to "this is a 20 years old story" like 20 years ago was before vets euthanized dangerous animals ethically, and not 2004.
I don't recall anything in her original story about the dog biting people. What I remember was that the dog she said couldn't be trained to hunt birds was left unrestrained when she visited a neighbor with free roaming chickens and some of them were chased and killed.
Noem's tough decisions on puppies was great preparation for her tough decisions on Covid that gave ND the 9th worst record in deaths per capita in the US
COVID-19 pandemic in South Dakota -
"Confessed animal abuser Kristi Noem attempts to walk-back her murder of a puppy as recounted in her new book, "No Going Back".
Obviously didn't hire a fixer for this one.
“Some people are accusing me of being evil, but have you considered: it was actually legal for me to do it.”
Guessing she feels that killing her constituents during COVID qualifies her to be Trump's VP. Hard to argue that one.
Most people would either train the dog or re-home them. The fact she still thinks she was right shows that she has no soul.
whelp...after reading thus "explanation" I'm still like fcuk this guy 🤷
Killing animals out of convenience explains her COVID response.
My “Killing My Puppy Was 100% Legal Under State Law” t-shirt is getting a lot of questions already answered by the shirt
The puppy neither attacked nor killed livestock. What's she talking about?
Follow on statement... "Oh, the goat? It knows what it did. Fuck that goat."
“To make sure it was quick, I drew a target on its skull with a Sharpie to make sure I was aiming at the right spot”
This horrible thing I did may not have been actually illegal. Stop criticizing me for it, OK?
Read a report recently about a woman who died after a week+ of suffering after her son's dogs attacked her & were actually eating her alive Grew up on a farm & raised/fostered many dogs- aggressive dogs need to be taken very seriously Lordy it is painful to even partially understand her position
I was reading posts that said she put the dog down because it was aggressive & biting people. Now I've seen the actual excerpt that said she "hated" the dog & decided on the spot to shoot it. I take it all back - her action was completely indefensible.
What's really painful is people who don't recognize this statement as the obvious bullshit that it is and that even if the biting dog story is true (probably not) that level of aggression comes from having shitty owners.
The story is true The owner was a social worker The toddler approached the shepherd/wolf mix dog laughing & smiling The dog, with no prior issues, bit her in the face The entire family was devastated on multiple levels The dog was well trained & well cared for - at some point instincts kick in
Dude, not YOUR story. I never meant for you to think that I was dissing YOUR story. Noem is the liar.
Got it. Sorry. Though I understand the situation I think she's a monster... I doubt it was difficult for her.
i don't want to understand anything about her but that's just me 👈😎👈
Sure, there are dogs that are so aggressive they need to be put down. But (A) that's still a failure by the owner in training the animal, and (B) there are better ways to do it than with a gun.
Absolutely agree. Sadly, there's a huge difference between how ranchers deal w/working animals & some pet owners deal w/theirs. Some people put down family pets w/health issues rather than care for them. Some ranchers put down dogs because they kill stock. Wait until someone is bitten/maimed/killed?
If you let an untrained dog off its leash in a farmyard and it helps itself to some chicken, that's a problem with an incompetent owner, not a vicious dog.
LOL The fact that you think there's such a thing as letting a working farm dog "off its leash" tells us everything about what you don't know. I'm not a fan of hers, but you just want to hate.
A snappish puppy doesn't need to be shot in the head, it needs better training. Excusing this trash with a horror story not even remotely related is quite the stretch. The dog had good reason not to trust her, didn't he?
Perhaps I haven't read the book Have you?
Look, she SAYS RIGHT THERE that in the state of South Dakota it isn’t technically murder
You can stop a dog killing poultry by... (disgusting alert) tying dead baby duck on the dogs collar. It's on the dog till it rots off. Terribly gross, but highly effective. No need to kill the dog. Option 2:Maybe a new home. If it was aggressively biting, a vet should put it down.
Hey everybody notice how Kristi Noem tried to change the subject from her killing her dog to her killing 1 in 200 residents of South Dakota by her deliberate spreading of COVID 19
I call shenanigans. I don't think she honestly thinks this is something that makes her look like a leader making hard decisions. She wants to piss off the liberal snowflakes while winking to the f%,ck yr feelings crowd.
Shooting dogs proves I was right about covid!
Are people picking up on the fact that she is dissing Biden for not killing Commander? The Republican party is the party of sociopaths