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Questionable taste in winter hats, first-clapper, cheese enthusiast, lamprey stan.
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Biden's proposals for judicial reforms will surely bring up objections that it's political suicide because of what happened with FDR's court-packing plan, so let me repost this recent CAMPAIGN TRAILS post about how those comparisons are completely misplaced. kevinmkruse.substack.com/p/unpacking-...
Unpacking the Courtkevinmkruse.substack.com In recent months, the breathtaking radicalism and brazen corruption of the current Supreme Court has reignited the longstanding debate over reforming the Court by expanding the number of Justices. As ...
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Once again, this shirt exists and you can wear it. It was a JOB and a half to draw and I’m realising that again as I try to repeat the magic for a client 😅 Shirt: pepperraccoon.com
Reading this, and we all should. It's oddly comforting to know that violent, racist, would-be theocrats are nothing new. And it is not a foregone conclusion that they'll win. David Neiwert is an essential journalist who has been documenting this movement for decades.
I dunno man, a giant foot to wash would really make a splash
I watched my state gop convention and was glad I did. The coverage left out all the juicy bits like resolving to get rid of the 17th amendment. And it was a bit like the good old MUN days with Roberts rules of order being patiently, and then less patiently, to the delegates
The video clip is even better, as the beatific smile takes over his face.
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News: I'm heading to Kansas next week to mark the one year anniversary of the police raid on the Marion County Record as part of a multi-story project in partnership with @kansasreflector.com. As an independent journo, this trip is self-funded. Help support my efforts! venmo.com/u/Marisa-Kabas
SCOOP: The Kansas newspaper raided Friday by cops had been investigating allegations of sexual misconduct by the chief of police at his previous job. Read my full convo with Eric Meyer, publisher of the Marion County Record: https://thehandbasket.substack.com/p/a-conversation-with-the-newspaper
I did listen to a podcast yesterday that claimed the used car lobby was one of the most financially supportive gop donors 🤷‍♂️
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This is a BFD and reflects both a recognition of deep structural reforms and a tectonic shift in the politics of the Supreme Court. It isn't everything we need but it's a big, big deal. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Why is the right, including Trump's new VP pick, obsessed with fanboying over Russia? Well, everyone can't be a spy, so I tried to find out. I'm back @thebaffler.com for the first time in five years (!): thebaffler.com/latest/to-ru...
To Russia, with Love | Hannah Gaisthebaffler.com An increasingly vocal camp on the right has embraced Russia. They’re driven by fever dreams of unceasing persecution.
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Senator Menendez is guilty on all counts. At least, he is until the SCOTUS majority gets to weigh in.
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Some personal news: Very excited to announce my third book with PublicAffairs/Hachette. The Defenders will be an in-depth, deeply reported look at the world of criminal defense. Coming in Spring of 2026!
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During times of fear and crisis, New Age leaders offer answers. I got curious about the way New Age-ism was surging during the worst of COVID and... that turned into an entire book. It's called Blazing Eye Sees All. Out next March. Pre-orders live now: www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/leah-...
Blazing Eye Sees Allwww.hachettebookgroup.com An investigation of the New Age movement in America aims to understand its appeal to women and the self-proclaimed prophetesses, like Love Has Won's&#16...
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Can. Not. Wait.
During times of fear and crisis, New Age leaders offer answers. I got curious about the way New Age-ism was surging during the worst of COVID and... that turned into an entire book. It's called Blazing Eye Sees All. Out next March. Pre-orders live now: www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/leah-...
Blazing Eye Sees Allwww.hachettebookgroup.com An investigation of the New Age movement in America aims to understand its appeal to women and the self-proclaimed prophetesses, like Love Has Won's&#16...
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the party is not “them”. it’s us. no one can tell us that the party is not a brick wall of solidarity, only we can depress each other into that. but we do not have to do that. we are the party. we can define what that means.
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can everyone fuck off!!!!!!
Indeed, see my replies to your last
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Read this. Hell of a kicker
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
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"trump is going to run on love and unity!" trump's new running mate:
Since J.D. Vance is announced as Trump's VP pick, now's a good time for me to reveal that Vance has been pictured with the Proud Boys, with members bragging about having met them.
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GOP is the new working class party!