
Meanwhile over at the Telegraph, a leader writer wonders if a community taking part in the democratic process means its time to stop "handing citizenship out" to them. The absolute state of this.
The lobby did a generally decent job last night. But this language/mindset around British Muslim voting trends is profoundly unsettling and offensive.
note he just treats it as given that /his/ right to vote would never be in doubt
Well yes. The crime is disagreeing with him, and he would never disagree with him.
Britain really needs to stop simply handing citizenship out to Telegraph columnists until we can figure out what's going on.
Wow. Not even trying to mask his bigotry is he?
There's a reason why his nickname is Fashworth.
Fun fact but he blocked my twitter private, I think because he spotted a string or Fashworth jibes flowing back to a tweet of mine mocking him. Couldn't be prouder
He did the same with mine but for no discernible reason, last year he bumped into me in London and addressed me as though I hadn’t washed my hands of him
please use alt text like disabled people are human & allowed to know what was said. no reply necessary thanks :)
I wonder if we were "handing citizenship out" to the British until 1947.
Ah, this motherfucker. At one point I had friends in common with him on the birdsite. He once spent an hour calling me a bigot because I found it creepy when an evangelical church put a "we are praying for your street" card through my door.
So in that second tweet, he’s suggesting a two tiered citizenship based on whether you’re white, right?
There’s an entire generation of feeble britbongers who yearn for the return of British India. Is their voting not contrary to Britain’s discontinuation of being an empire?
According to a statistic that I saw earlier a lower percentage of both the Hindu and Muslim communities voted for Labour, so I don’t know what this Torygraph racist is talking about
Voting for this Labour would be fine for him, it's the large space to their left that must need proscribed as anti-Semitic and anti-Western
I seriously don’t think that those members of the Hindu and Muslim communities that didn’t vote Labour voted to the left of them
The anger is that they didn't vote for either of the establishment approved options.
Can't remember if it was Campbell and Stewart or Peter Mandelson on Times Radio reflecting that Labour dropped about 20% in every major Muslim area, that Israel-Gaza was the issue, and that it had to be addressed by Starmer and Co.
"Five years and a fee and that's it" I bet he was grinning from ear to ear when the last government raised the spousal visa fee by ten grand and wanted it to go to a point most of the country couldn't afford
This shrinking violet has blocked all replies. He has the bizarre belief that all brown people think the same and are organized to his maximum discomfort. Carefully-tended paranoia isolated from contact.
"okay, but wild idea: have you tried having polices that actually appeal to any voters at all except the handful of overly moneyed, toffee nosed twits who already fellate you?"
Oh, look, another set of total losers just revealed their entire ass again. "Boo hoo, we lost. The problem is that too many people who don't like us can vote. We need to fix that."
This is the kind of shit you’d see in a mass shooter’s manifesto but because this wackjob is a “journalist” people nod thoughtfully
The unexamined and blatant racism in the UK is always just stunning to me. Like, not trying to throw stones from my glass house, or anything, but my goodness.
Maybe the British should STFU about having "other" people make policy decisions.
Sam winning the 'tell me you've never had to deal with UKVI without telling me you've never had to deal with UKVI' competition hands-down, there.
It’s vile. And what makes it worse is they probably don’t believe it and they are just playing to the gallery for clicks.