ZoΓ« πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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ZoΓ« πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


Software developer / shambolic type ADHD / cat servant / trans woman / she / her
Wait, she's wearing a trans rights button. Who do i have to kill to replace keir with her?
anyway I just learned this is the new Deputy Leader of Labour in the UK and will be writing elaborate stories of our inevitable meet-cute in my brain for weeks, eventually selling the scripts to Hallmark Channel
So yeah, rough beast, slouch back home to Moscow, your hour isn’t come at last and the centre is holding just fine. πŸ–•βœŠ
Apparently 16 dead kids is just a good start, for these Cass-emboldened horrors. If you're in Scotland please make some noise at your representative about this. Details about the deaths can be found on the Good Law website, on their campaign to overturn the puberty blockers ban.
Scottish government advised to halt puberty blockerswww.bbc.com The advice is one recommendation from those looking into how the Cass review could be applied in Scotland.
George Galloway *losing* his seat in an election where a bunch of single-issue pro-Palestine Independents were elected is really, really funny
Kelly-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker received 196 votes in the electorate she stood for, meanwhile, this woman won the seat with over 24,000 votes
Wes Streeting’s election sounds like things got a bit tasty πŸ‘€
Cordon sanitaire around every constituency that elects a Reform MP. No one enters, no one leaves. Chernobyl rules.
Not 30p Lee. Ashfield you cunts
They gave Hilary Cass a peerage. Enjoy your election victory but I’m not gonna wake tomorrow up feeling any safer or more optimistic as a trans woman. To me it’s just Friday. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Cass getting a crossbench peerage, transphobic twat as PM, Tories not wiped out. The world feels pretty dark tonight
Trans 🀝🏽 cis women together in being ignored by cis men knowing all about what's good for us
Lots of words to say nothing of this impacts you directly so you can choose to minimise the damage caused to trans women lives & safety (and cis ones impacted by attacks on bodily autonomy as it's all connected).
This thread is probably one of the funniest I've read here ⚠️ Do not read if you are drinking anything (you will splutter)
When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
β€œNo, they don’t have that right. They shouldn’t.” Even 26 years ago, when I was looking for my referral letters and appointments, if I'd said "yes, I live as a woman, but nip into the gents and only use the mens changing areas" I would not have got my referral, and there were zero protections then
Keir Starmer: Trans women don’t have right to use women’s spaces – even if they have a GRC. Britain's Labour Party is now a TERF party. #transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA www.thepinknews.com/...#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA www.thepinknews.com/...
Keir Starmer says trans women don't have the 'right' to use women's spaceswww.thepinknews.com Labour leader Keir Starmer has said that trans women do not have the right to use women-only toilets or spaces, even if they have a GRC.
Keir Starmer, the future prime minister, explicitly saying that trans women don’t have the right to use women’s toilets, which we have always been using, is giving the green light for people to harass us and do violence to us, as well as to cis women deemed not feminine enough. Don’t vote Labour.
A new study looked at people who discontinued medical transition and found something obvious to anyone with half a brain: DISCONTINUATION IS NOT THE SAME AS DETRANSITION. 80 percent of those who discontinued treatments still identified as trans. 37 percent said they wished they never discontinued.
New Study Shows Stopping Medical Transition is Not the Same as Detransition β€” Assignedwww.assignedmedia.org Of those who discontinued medical treatments such as hormone therapy, a new study found that 80 percent continued to endorse a trans identity.
Jonathan Ashworth demonstrated pretty well how to make anti-trans obsessive questions sound a bit silly, but of course Starmer had to insist on indulging them even more...
This is a violently right wing position. Labour winning is not a left wing wave, it’s proof that the whole system has swung authoritarian J-K R^^wwling still seemingly occupying prime position on cringe fascist-inspo mood boards
Oops. The latest Starmer lying nonsense about us just caused me to unload in my uni friend s WhatsApp group (everyone else in it is cis). Turns out I’m really quite upset and scared by all this!
Most extreme position from Starmer yet suggests we should lose some very fundamental rights as trans people cause as people point out this is not as the equality act works
I’m losing human rights Ned
The wild thing about this is that Starmer, once the top lawyer in the UK, is just plain wrong about this. The equality act is clear about this and there are multiple examples of case law stating exactly that trans women have the right to use single-sex spaces aligning with their gender identity.
I’m losing human rights Ned
let me put this another way: despair, or its new name, doomerism, asserts omniscience--that things cannot be better, that all possibilities of good are already foreclosed, that you can know this as fact. it looks like humility, but it's all ego. it is, in fact, the assumption of godhood.
I joke a lot about my capacity for despair, but there's enough Catholic discipline in my youth to remember that it is in fact a sin, one that absorbs all the best in you more comprehensively than a tar pit. I left the church ages ago, but I held onto that cable: despair is not a long-term good.