Zoë 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈

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Zoë 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈


Software developer / shambolic type ADHD / cat servant / trans woman / she / her
These two cartoons sum this up perfectly
An infuriating reality we have to contend with that many cis people don't give a second thought to is the widespread belief that bathrooms are *our* most important concern. In men's prisons, authorities allow male prisoners sexual access to (assault) trans women, in a practice called "V-Coding".
Hoping to make it to Liverpool to protest the Labour conference. Thinking of copying this banger sign
Your daily reminder #6 (I think I might’ve missed a day) that Wes Streeting is a cunt.
In this area of healthcare..the professionals with the requisite expertise are positioned by their critics as having been “captured by ideology” and therefore lacking in credibility... those without the expertise are positioned as “independent” This is not how it works. Govian!
I need people to understand just how bad V-Coding is.
An infuriating reality we have to contend with that many cis people don't give a second thought to is the widespread belief that bathrooms are *our* most important concern. In men's prisons, authorities allow male prisoners sexual access to (assault) trans women, in a practice called "V-Coding".
Wrote to my MP about the proposed Labour puberty blocker ban 💪
Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Southwest Airlines was spared from today's CrowdStrike catastrophe that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights because they run on Windows 3.1... ...an operating system whose last update was November 8, 1993...
One of the things that has annoyed me about the current war on trans medical treatment, be it for kids or adults, is that you rarely hear from the clinicians, leaving space for the GC charlatans and grifters. Oddly the G have a good article (probably means a rant from Sonia is incoming on Sunday)
I treat transgender children – banning puberty blockers is not a decision for politicians to make | Aidan Kellywww.theguardian.com Decisions around the tiny minority for whom the option could be helpful should be made by clinicians, not Wes Streeting, says clinical psychologist Aidan Kelly
If only we (Scotland) were still EU members 😭
Yeah, what’s up with that? What do doctors with the relevant expertise know that I, a journalist with a very obvious agenda, don’t? Baffling!
I dunno. It’s hard to argue that ScotGov’s relentless messaging that you’re Scottish if you’re born in Scotland or live here and want to be hasn’t made the place feel more inclusive.
Couple that with voting rights based on residence not citizenship as well. Like I’m sure reactionary nats voted for them too, but the messaging from the top really matters.
As an ally, I'm encouraged to see surveys where 'concerns' about trans people are a low priority, and most people are not anti-trans. But 'not being anti' isn't enough. Political parties need to know that their voters actively support trans people. 'Allies' who haven't spoken out yet need to do so.
Now I’m feeling pretty good about my five pint bet that he loses 😆
Haven’t managed to write to my MP yet cos feeling so sick and depressed at what Labour is doing to trans youth. One day the tide will turn and things will get better again. But prob not soon enough to see justice done. Fuck Labour forever. Fucking murderers.
based on the Labour Party's actions in power of a) making the puberty blocker ban permanent b) making MPs delete all supportive social media on trans issues, they are actually demonstratively worse on trans issues than the Tories.
Yeah this is why I remain optimistic. Got to believe that ultimately Americans reject outright fascism.
Fucking he’ll I’d not heard this. Utterly grim
Is the Cass Review to trans healthcare what Andrew Wakefield’s MMR fraud in The Lancet was to vaccines? No, that’s understating it, because cis politicians demonstrably don’t care when trans youth die. For where is the outrage over the 16 young trans people who took their own lives after the ban?
Will say from what I’ve heard the blue badge system is not greatly accessible.