Zorin =^o.o^=

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Zorin =^o.o^=


Geeky silly South Florida greymuzzle lynx. UNIX cat. Cyclist. Nerd. Known (a little bit) for FluffMUCK. Expect cat pictures, tech stuff, and furry stuff from me.


Also at:

Mastodon: https://tiggi.es/@zorinlynx

Telegram: @zorinlynx
Ahh I see. I'm not really here for politics (though I do pay attention in general) so I guess I missed that. It's wild how this site is so many different things for so many different people.
I'm glad to hear such things are still sometimes appreciated. I've often been very hesitant to make such compliments because I figure that I might be the 43rd guy to do so that day and that she might be tired of that sorta thing. :)
OH okay I wondered for a second what was wrong with drawing pregnant people in general; yeah as "revenge drawing" that's really wrong!
I see a lot of random discourse that this site is going down the tubes... but I don't really see a problem? It looks like biz as usual. Sure there's more political doom and gloom but that can be expected given recent events. I don't see that as going downhill. What gives?
I really hope this was a mistake; the article was taken down. Starbucks needs to make a statement NOW.
I have not missed the point. Like I said, I do want to stay on top of the issues, but I can catch up once per day rather than seeing it constantly. Seeing it constantly makes me want to tune out completely, which would be worse. It doesn't help anything at all.
I'll never understand why AT&T didn't keep using it.
Remember that a lot of us care and are very concerned but also don't want to see this stuff ALL THE TIME because it really screws with our mental health. I wish we could have half an hour per day dedicated to catching up on political issues, and just enjoy fun and cute stuff the rest of the time.
Huh, that's pretty interesting. I really wonder how much of this is false-flag bullshit from Trump supporters.
The thing is, you have to be pragmatic about this. Staying home won't make things better for Gaza. In fact it's more likely to make things worse. And if the GOP takes control, things will likely get shitty for Muslims in the US too. There is zero benefit to staying home.
Freaking ChatGPT would be a better President than Trump
Well that's unfortunate. I'm just trying to be a bit optimistic. We kinda need that right now.
Do you really think people are going to stay home and allow our country to fall to full on fascism because of a problem thousands of miles away, that the president doesn't even have full control over? I like to think better of people. I'm sure the fear of Project 2025 will push MORE people to vote.
Works for quoting too. Someone tried to quote-dunk me to their 50K followers once and I blocked them; instantly stopped it in its tracks.
BTW, if you've avoided watching House of the Dragon because the last season of Game of Thrones was a disappointment... don't. It's actually pretty damned good. And the actual dragons get a lot of screen time. :)
I think the key issue here is when it's a stranger. I say just "hey" to my friends all the time, that's fine. But if it's someone you hardly know, throw them a bone. :)
I'll often start with "hey" or whatever, but I also add what I want to talk about, rather than basically giving an assignment to them to come up with a topic. For ex: "Hey, just wanted to say I really liked your _latest artwork_ it's really cute. Are you taking commissions?" etc.
Reposted byAvatar Zorin =^o.o^=
I'm working on policy proposals to protect consumer rights when companies brick smart devices. So please share devices that you've owned that stopped working because the company that made it killed software support or went out of business. Also, please share this request. Thank you.
Wow that person is absolutely deranged.
Yeah. I hope enough people are tired of... *waves his paws around* ALL THIS SHIT... to get out and vote for whoever the fuck the democrat nominee is.
Rhodie is so cute. Always delightful to see her appear on the timeline. :) (Also I love The Vortex!! it's been too long...)
That's what I mean by being "not so sure lately". Though to be perfectly honest, people WILL be pissed if they try to pull that. A lot of people love their porn.
I just had to evict this creature after Annie spent a few moments chasing it around mercilessly. Luckily I caught it first.
Normally I'd say this is a clear 1st amendment issue but I'm not so sure lately with this cursed timeline.
Same here. Was baptized but never confirmed nor got first communion. Went to a Catholic HS but didn't participate in most of the religious activity (and sometimes got flak for it). My mom was a little religious but was never serious about it and didn't seem to care about passing it on to me.
Or if you live in Florida, they blew away in the last hurricane and we haven't been able to replace them yet. :)
This doesn't always work, though. I was taller than my bullies, even, but when I fought back they just ganged up on me. 3 against 1 kinda makes it impossible to fight back. Luckily that was my last year in that school.
Erf. :( Have you been able to see the specialist yet?
For example, if you're an artist sharing your work, this can work against you because it makes your stuff more difficult to find. If someone shares a screenshot of your art, a non-Bluesky user can't just click to see more of your stuff.