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they/them bc i keep dodging arguments with my brain
"everything i dislike is communist socialism! pick me mr presidembt i never stopped believing!"
"Socialism" is the most anti-social thing ever invented!
"i" "my" "all" "you"
I'm going to be laughing my ass off in about ten or so years when all the people who use pronouns now find themselves being mercilessly made fun of and laughed at. "YOU used to use PRONOUNS?!" XD LOL! Pronouns are the 21st century version of "groovy"
oh my god there's an old man out here listening to ai voice medicare scam ads on full volume, like 5 of them in a row.... like wtf are you doing guy
really need work to pick up just slightly this week so i no longer have time to doom scroll here just slightly though nobody else call off tomorrow i swear
man this was really not the week to run out of some of our drugs huh
just found a new pocket i never noticed on these pants, which ive had for like 4 months
Reposted byAvatar zx
i think it’s good when people post about their weird sex shit online. online should be as hostile as possible toward anyone trying to use online for normal reasons because the people that want to use online for normal reasons are complete psychopaths.
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i love getting enrichment time in my enclosure
consuming a large variety of cooked and cured meats surely that will fix me
jesus fuck this place is grim today think i gotta leave for a bit and let the timeline clear out
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There's the meme of "give your boyfriends a shovel at the beach to keep them entertained" and like, it is not wrong at all.
bad tv spinoffs: young glow how i glowed your tv the tv glow theory glows & television glow or no glow man vs glow (🥚?) glow rescue tv glowers: international
eventual sequels to i saw the tv glow: i survived the tv glow i saw the tv glow: tokyo drift i saw the tv glow: fury road tv glow 5 i saw the tv glow 6 isttvg 7 mr melancholy: before the glow mr melancholy: part 2 the hobbit: an unexpected booby
discover feed should have a third, "i already saw this" option because it sure does like to show me things i already saw yesterday, still.
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So... we're excited to launch: Moderator Mayhem (which we've spent the last few months building, in partnership with Engine). A browser-based mobile content moderation simulator game: https://moderatormayhem.engine.is/
the non-starter pack and it's just all the most annoying debate bros here (it's a warning)
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bad things keep happening in the world but at least you can keep scrolling on your phones to find a few things to chuckle at
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sometimes I look at both sides of a contentious interpersonal debate on here and realize: - I have literally no idea what either side is talking about - that’s fine actually
why am i tempted to set up a labeler? i already know i would lose interest within a month i already have too many projects why is brain like this, sees the need for help and is compelled to fill it
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In 2020, under lockdown, I was in calls with some amazing lawyers to push back against the RIAA's ridiculous claim that youtube-dl was illegal. github.blog/2020-11-16-s... That is to say, if you are cheering them on now because you hate AI, you forget what copyright maximalism is. Just block me.
The RIAA lawsuit against Suno and Udio is so so so bad. Not only does it not make sense, it actually goes against what the RIAA itself has been arguing in court lately.
Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is backgithub.blog Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.
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do i need four consecutive ice cream sandwiches? bitch i might
you know shits bad when I've run out of new posts to look at here like 10 times today, there's just no work to do at work today
really hate that there's certain topics i simply cannot be interested in because any way to interact with it is filled with right wing bullshit it's a fun little game, see how far into the video you can get before the first (identify as, california, npc, etc) 'joke' it's never more than 25%
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I don't think everyone is "suddenly" having adhd and autism. I think millennials were raised by parents who were ashamed of having children that weren't "normal" so we were forced to mask so hard that we "seemed" normal but were "just a little strange" and now we're all learning to unmask.
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whenever i encounter tedious bluesky drama i prefer not to take part in it. it's best if i just hang back, take exhaustive and detailed notes, and then in a year or two make a documentary about it
shared that @mmasnick.bsky.social post about the mildly flooded cyvertruck with the gc to have a chuckle at and of course the elon defender spent all morning wildly grasping to defend it.
man i love when the boss and the office gossip are going off whining about homeless people existing nearby, and crime occuring in a city sometimes. if it bothers you so much maybe your generation shouldn't have fucked up so hard
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you have more AI in your phone camera than this guy used for the entire labeler
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“AI” has become a catch-all term for the entire ML field and imo different parts are different amounts of bad