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rapid unscheduled torment nexus disassembly expert — nonbinary, she/they, 29 — writes Racket — @doitwithalambda on twitter
another day spent waiting on the catgirl bot from twitter to migrate over to bluesky
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
something that i saw in regard to the latest abusive celebrity man that has been bothering me a lot is someone asserting that because the man in question had written sexual abuse into his work, that should’ve been a red flag to let us know that he was a sexual abuser. no. that is not how that works.
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
social media is about making posts for those 5 girls u know pretty reliably will like your post even if its garbage
fun fact: bobby fisher was the first grandmaster ever to get in a fistfight with another grandmaster at a chess tournament
my partner just told me "musical comedy shows are just spoken word for white people" and I am shaken to my core
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
reading Mark Rosewater's blog before magic night at the game store in order to get into the right headspace
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
sometimes a post will go viral because a big account reposts it and sometimes because a lot of smaller accounts do. this is the difference between fake hits and big naturals
the quiet seething rage when an extremely good pun of mine goes unnoticed
what kind of dork does it make me if I've read multiple books on chess openings
does anyone remember those extremely bizarre few months when Blaseball was popular
slowly copying old bangers from my twitter account and posting them on bluesky so I receive a good grade in posting, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
personal log algorithmic ordering opt out
back on my bullshit (wishing for a tv that can charge game consoles over usb-c)
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
You need this today. For morale.
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
Today is Everything Happens So Much day, the day on which in 2012 horse_ebooks tweeted "everything happens so much"
The 10-Year-Old Tweet That Still Defines the Internetwww.theatlantic.com A cryptic utterance from a supposed spambot never lost its relevance.
kiki bouba labeler is OUT ttrpg labeler is IN
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
fuck you, Spotify. fuck you so much. i guess deaf people aren't allowed to enjoy music like the rest of y'all. new disabling unlocked.
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
sometimes I look at both sides of a contentious interpersonal debate on here and realize: - I have literally no idea what either side is talking about - that’s fine actually
I've got a joke about Olympus, but it's probably over your head
I’ve got a joke about Athena. Just popped out of my head one day.
once you move to a city, you must designate at least one city intersection as your personal nemesis "but what if I don't dislike any intersections enough?" my sweet summer child, I guarantee you this will not be an issue
I wonder how much smarter you could make a statistical profiler if stacktraces included the start time of each stack frame
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
just managed to read "the Davis-Bacon Act" as "the Mavis Beacon Act". i need to stop staring at a screen and go to fucking bed
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline
I don’t think the official incel vehicle should be going in and out this much
Reposted byAvatar Jacqueline