We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge

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We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge


Dead earnest, well-dressed, and capable of horrible occult activity.
If you can't get *Manchin* to knife this particular back you aren't couping the man.
I'd need a fucking diagram to explain the level of brainrot going on here.
Yeah, honestly I'm pretty sure at this point this is the byproduct of a manic episode, but still, people need to know that if you're there, Don't Poast.
Look, dude's on crack, don't bother trying to figure it out.
Yeah, all those racists who definitely were die-hard Obama voters for two terms, get fucking real.
Fucking listen to yourself, man. "The racists will vote for a middle-aged black woman over an old white guy because they'll think she'll genocide people because she's a cop" is so divorced from reality English doesn't have words for it.
Yeah, yeah, I'm caught up on the fact you're an illiberal asshole. I know all kinds of racist, stupid people, because my tribe's rez is in the middle of the Bible Belt, and not even *they* would fall for your crackhead scheme.
"The racists will vote for a black woman because they like chaos more than they hate black people" is just not true. I know people who would quite literally bleed to death if the alternative was a blood transfusion from a n****r.
"You are not politically literate" I'm a member of my community's council and will probably win its seat in tribal council whenever I decide to run for it, I've forgotten more about the nuts and bolts of politics than you've ever known, buddy.
I've worked on every successful campaign for tribal Chief since I first got into politics 10 years ago, take a long walk off a short pier.
Don't blame you at all, I'm a bad person for picking on this person, but I'm gonna keep doing it.
Oh, no, I appreciate it. The thing about doing horrible things so you can make money doing what you love is that you are doing that entire phrase.
I could make a lot of money as a storyteller in Europe if I was willing to put on a fucking headdress and throw in some how-paleface-happy-hunting-ground bullshit, but the thing is that I have self-respect.
Latest update from the Brain Trust. Censoring interlocutor because she's a moot and I know she can get nervous about this stuff.
Do you think I wouldn't vote for a fetid dog carcass and argue its merits far and wide if it was the Democratic nominee?
I hold my tongue on his depictions of Natives, which are similarly well-intentioned but very dumb most of the time. But people really want to just run him out of town out of some weird notion that once he's gone they'll just be able to siphon up his lost clout.
Okay, thanks for confirming it's crack and not coke, because you have to be smoking crack to think that the "Obama-Trump voter" is 1) winnable at this point, 2) deliberately be endorsing turning elections into trainwrecks out of the belief that it will win them.
I mean, so could I, but a lot of this is "Why am I, a lower-middle-class black woman from Queens, not selling on the level of Stephen King?" and deciding that it's because King et. al are sucking up all the oxygen.
For the record, I don't really think this is true- I don't think that King's works are best-sellers because he's a honkey, I think they're best-sellers because he's Stephen King.
Now if he was Shu Wang or Steve Freedman would he have been the juggernaut he is today? Maybe, maybe not! But there's plenty of mediocre white authors who flame out in the industry too.
Yeah, and your dad works at Nintendo, too. I know all sorts of people from the Midwest and none of them play with their nose hard enough to have this make a lick of sense to them, black, white, yellow, red, or fucking purple.
I notice you also only swing at people who you think aren't gonna hit back, so you're chicken on top of everything else, Mr. we-planned-the-coup-a-week-ago-on-Twitter.
Yeah, like, no shit the Nazi Bar's all-in on this plan, they want to fucking wreck the election!
I think it's a classic Devil's Fork-style dilemma. If you're a white dude don't write perspectives not your own you'll be endlessly criticized for only writing about white dudes, but if you *do* you'll be criticized for each and every thing you write that deviates from the critic's "truth".
What many of these people think but rarely say out loud is that this is deliberate because they want white men to not write anymore.
The voting public often make weird contrary decisions, but people On Here seem to think that makes them drooling imbeciles that can be easily led like sheep or raving schizophrenics.
(Something I almost never talk about is that the active contempt many people in political spaces show for the average voters is so incompatible with democracy that it boils down to an when-not-if they become opposed to voting.)
I think you are very annoying and think you're more clever than you are. That's what I think. Live with it or don't.