We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge

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We Put the FBI Man Into the Medicine Lodge


Dead earnest, well-dressed, and capable of horrible occult activity.
Look, I know naming and shaming is bad form on social media, but it's not in my culture, so: this guy (not Neid, he's cool) is the stupidest motherfucker I've yet encountered on this site and it's not even close. Either this is a bit, they're on coke, or they have brain damage.
Like, everything about them radiates the kind of bright-eyed flying-at-100-miles-a-minute delusions of grandeur that the Diamond players at the casino radiate when they're $5k up at the tables and just stuck a gram up their nose. Right before they lose it all in one hand and become a suicide risk.
I really do not understand this craze for off-white colors for kids. Like, I can see an argument where you don't want your kid's room to look like a black-light minigolf course, but I feel like your kid can see a color that isn't reminiscent of a moldering furniture store before 2 without dying.
Ah, yeah, there's some stuff in Lancer that has that vibe, but most of it's framed as old, last-gen tech primarily used by the cheaper end of mercenaries. The manufacturer that's closest to that stuff aesthetically (IPS-N) has really bad signal warfare but tanky mechs.
The one those designs remind me of the most is the Caliban, which is less a "mech" and more a suit of power armor used for ship-clearing operations.
I'm not somewhere where I can get my own warclub, and anyways I still need to replace the point, but this is a decent recreation of another not-uncommon pairing, warclub and pick.
Sadly, the most I've seen directly as of late is this bottom-of-the-barrel *kaiju* film that uses the name of Uktena and nothing else.
All of the other *sgili* dancers are funny, but not the grey-faced *sgili* of smallpox, wrapped in his funeral shroud and wearing a white man's tricorn.
But the worst part- the *very* worst part- is the goddamn fucking sign. Here's the old sign- it's simple and direct. You might bitch about red-and-gold being very stereotypical colors to associate with Natives, but it's inoffensive and it has Grandmother Spider (an important deity) on it.
Here's the new sign, that was briefly up before the Tribal Council ordered it taken down as an eyesore. Most people won't understand why this sign is bad so I will explain it: -We are crossing out the eyes of Grandmother Spider like she's fucking *dead*? Really? It's insulting.
By the by, here's the mock-up of the sign they did, which... it shouldn't have the *sgili* mask, but it'd have been a lot better! It even has the sign written in syllabary, which is always good!
This is in response to someone making gimmicky t-shirts for sale around Bluesky and it's just such an incredible misuse of words it astounded me.
Wearing my "anti" label like a badge of honor. (For those not neck-deep in fandom bullshit, the "anti" label is used interchangeably for "people who see shipping as weird/gross", "people who get mad over 'problematic' ships" and the one that's 1000% meant here "People who don't like pedophiles."
Hey @djdunclive.bsky.social, congrats on the modeling job! Didn't know you were a Coheed and Cambria fan!
Not putting this guy on blast, and I realize this will sound really fucking weird to my followers because I usually never say this, but- Christ, this is a very White opinion. No, actually when your family or loved ones are struggling with addiction you *do* have an obligation to try and help.
Oh, I see, you're a stupid troll, understand, eat my sack.
Not putting this person on blast because I think this is a stupid take and not a malicious take, but this is a great example of the phenomenon of groups of Online people trying to make each other incapable of functioning in society.
This one was something: the whole thing was like 80 feet long.
Okay, cracked the code, it is "crazy 'anti-colonialist' anarchist shit". Love the citation of DuBois, Adorno, and Chomsky like they're the Holy Trinity.
Here's an awesome poster for the episode, apropos of nothing. Will probably use these and others by xfilesposterproject.tumblr.com as thumbnails in the future!
This is looking real fucking tempting right now. Just don't be surprised if you can't figure out where I went tomorrow.
There's more than one form of consequence, and I doubt all of them believe themselves immune to mortal weapons.
The character looks like this and talks in a mumbly Texan accent, and his backstory is basically the plot of "The Outlaw Josey Wales", for the record.
This is in response to me talking about those activists taking over the Weitzman Museum square with the demand they prove that they *aren't* sending a single dollar to Israel despite there being literally no evidence they are beyond "this is a Jewish museum".