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He/him. Husband, father of an ASD kid, anti capitalist accountant, player of guitars and basses, game enthusiast. Support class. My brain is not healthy but I'm doing my best. Magneto was right.
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Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
May have been a mistake to put away the guillotines
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Shattered at the loss of Donald Sutherland, who from the neo-noir sensuality of KLUTE to the Gothic dread of DON'T LOOK NOW and the chilling loneliness of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS influenced every corner of the world of modern film. A singular talent, and what a legacy for all of us.
Getting old is truly watching the titans of your youth falling in rapid succession. Bill Walton, Jerry West, now Willie Mays. These guys were legends before my time and the model for the sports icons of my childhood. RIP to some absolute real ones.
@kellysue.bsky.social @mattfraction.bsky.social
I’ve been massively let down on a major project and I now have a large hole in my schedule (and finances) from July onwards. Anyone needs a letterer with 20+ years skill + experience, please get in contact. Currently working for DC, 2000AD, Boom, Dark Horse. Reposts very much appreciated!
New DOOM game looks like it's going to fuck so hard
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Popping my thoughts on Wizard's continued push into AI-ifying Magic and D&D
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Donald Trump wants my friends to die. Voting for him is voting against human rights and those I care about. I beg you — don’t let this cruel, heartless criminal get back where he can do more damage. He’s already done enough. thehill.com/homenews/lgb...
Trump vows to reverse transgender student protections ‘on day one’thehill.com Former President Trump said Friday he would roll back transgender student protections enacted last month by the Biden administration “on day one” of his presidency if he is reelected in November. T…
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hi. I’m raising money to get a family of nine, including two adults and seven kids, out of Gaza. please give and/or boost any way you can. these are real people and they live under a specter of death and horror you and I will never comprehend. www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-es...
Help us escape the war in Gaza!, organized by Sliman Espitawww.gofundme.com Hey everyone, it's Ibrahim Isbitah, and I'm reaching out to you from the heart of … Sliman Espita needs your support for Help us escape the war in Gaza!
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Mayor Adams is proposing $58.3 million in budget cuts for NYPL libraries. Further cuts would mean even more service reductions, leading most branches to be open a mere five days a week. (Right now every branch in NYC is open six days a week). www.nypl.org/speakout?utm...
Tell City Hall: No Cuts to Libraries!www.nypl.org New York City leaders are finalizing NYC’s budget, and we need your help.
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I am a nyc teacher and teacher appreciation week is approaching. 144 dollars to fund a chromebook. 2x match. Please retweet. www.donorschoose.org/project/call...
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Can’t get more metal than that!
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We all stand against book bans in theory, but 4 librarians in Prattville, Alabama lost their jobs standing against them. Please join me in donating to the GoFundMe that will help them make ends meet in this tough time. Show me a receipt, I'll give you a compliment www.gofundme.com/f/protect-pr...
Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons, organized by EveryLibrary Institute NFPwww.gofundme.com The Autauga-Prattville Alabama Library board has fired the lib… EveryLibrary Institute NFP needs your support for Protect Prattville Library Staff and Patrons
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Sarah Perez has been working at TechCrunch for over a decade, she's a hard-working single mother and generally cool person, and her *house just burned down*. Thankfully her family's ok, but they've lost everything. If you can donate I'd appreciate it. www.gofundme.com/f/yd78gx-sar...
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Hey pals, one of the last living local comic shops here in Seattle just got smashed and grabbed, quite literally. Anything you can do to spread the word and support them would be MASSIVELY appreciated. Please show some love to Dreamstrands Comics.
RIP Akira Toriyama. You were my gateway to manga and anime and were part of my favorite jrpg of all time. Legend.
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If you're a Seattle local and care about intimidation raids on our historic gay bars: www.instagram.com/p/C2sh2vpvw1E/ Please plan to attend this meeting (virtually, by phone) tomorrow morning at 10AM (links at the bottom) lcb.wa.gov/boardmeeting...
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You have brought down the collective fury of our nation's IT professionals upon your head. May God have mercy on your soul
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Happy Christmas everyone. Sorry to be an asshole but Israel just conducted one of the deadliest strikes of the whole genocide and I'm really afraid that they're gonna use the holiday as cover to conduct the worst massacres we've seen yet
Listen if you celebrate Yule the best tradition is to have brinner...Yule. Brinner.