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Data and correlations and nature and internally screaming into the void

Also I like books.
-And have a feline void gazing dramatically at me from across the room, send help.
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Just in case anyone needs a reminder: You do not have to know, understand, engage with, or care about everything that goes on here. You have every right to just keep scrolling. Do what you want, what you need, and what protects your mental health. You are not alone. And you are loved.
My ‘new’ chalk bag for bouldering ❤️ Repurposing ftw! (new meaning added belt and clasps on a pre-existing bag incidentally made of chalk appropriate materials)
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This is cool: Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand are building out a distributed storage network with eight sites built on Māori land to give “iwi and hapū the power to control and make decisions over their own data.”
World-first data storage infrastructure solution built by Iwi Māori, for Iwi Māoriwaateanews.com
I came across someone today who has had a turbulent life,regretting their very publicly expressed views. They’re trying learn and improve and I really respect that They’re afraid the people they admire will never accept them because of their past-honestly soul destroying- they can’t change the past
I love my mum and she loves to knit but say ‘I generated this knitting pattern using AI to test an idea, would you like to try it?’ And even as an unchallenging knit by her standards I heard how fast hearing ‘ai’ mentally noped it
People who have no empathy or no patience for someone having one of the worst trauma responses in years (which ironically is traumatic and adds to it all) are lucky enough to not understand how dark it is to go through that…
After being attacked because someone read a reply (that was agreeing) with them out of context and went for me, please remember to just check. Someone might not be in the best place and it could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I think I might just delete my account at this point.
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Our local humane society reached out to me because they haven't had much response for their Feline Foto contest fundraiser, and I was like "I MIGHT KNOW SOME PEOPLE WITH BEAUTIFUL CATS THEY NEED TO SHOW OFF!" www.gogophotocontest.com/hsccfabfeline
Check out 6th Annual Fabulous Feline Foto Contest benefiting Humane Society of Chittenden County.www.gogophotocontest.com 6th Annual Fabulous Feline Foto Contest
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This roommate eating beans
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Relatable: trying to take a nice photo with an uncooperative cat. 1923. www.nb.no/items/d07e4c...
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My friend Katy is the daughter of noted comics retailer and historian Bob Beerbohm. She quit her job and moved to care for him, but has burnt through her savings and the 1st day of her new job was literally the day he died. She needs help with his end of life expenses. gofund.me/c115d4d7
Help Katy with memorial expenses for Bob Beerbohm, organized by Melody Lefflergofund.me Our friend Katy's dad Bob Beerbohm died on Wednesday, March 27th on K… Melody Leffler needs your support for Help Katy with memorial expenses for Bob Beerbohm
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Books designed to be read only by human eyes are different from books designed to be read by machines, which is why Google will tell you that the phrase “shake my booty” can be found in an 1863 English translation of Don Quixote.
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Proud to have been part of the team that computationally analyzed the New York Times' biased coverage of Israel and Palestine. This is part of a broader effort by Writers Against the War On Gaza, who released today a tour-de-force exposé of NYT: newyorkwarcrimes.com
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Area Drug Lord Blames Everyone But Himself for Addiction Problems thehill.com/policy/energ...
BBC reporting on homelessness in England implying ‘oh it’s up by a quarter but at least its still better than in 2019’. So, it was bad and you were doing nothing, then you were forced to do something(Covid) and first chance you’ve gone back to nothing, so it’s getting worse again. Not a positive.
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Here is a thread of ship's cats in tiny hammocks if anyone would like to enjoy it. Yes I know about Mrs. Chippy. I don't need people to keep telling me about Mrs. Chippy. bsky.app/profile/cats...
You may have seen a viral internet thing saying that ship’s cats used to have passports. I’m sorry to say that the passport thing is a myth, but many of them DID have tiny hammocks! 1956. 🧵 https://www.facebook.com/iwm.north/photos/a.10151016188983948/10151016193728948/?type=3
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Given that Brianna Ghey, Nex Benedict, and the unnamed London skating rink victim were all attacked by cis white women, I think we need to come to grips **pretty quickly** that young women are being just as radicalized toward reactionary violence and bigotry as young men.
Classism over books is really insidious. Not every book has to be literature- that isn’t the goal of every book, but the sheer amount of snobbery in bookish groups is no good. Your value as a person is not related to the literary value of the books you read to relax.
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Stephen King, noted HORROR NOVELIST, wrote a short story based on this concept. Because it’s horrific.
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David Attenborough [whispering]: “The dual-finned Canadian land shark surfaces briefly, scouting the area for signs of potential prey.”
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If you are ordering books online, we are trying to make David’s final month as Jam Bookshop as good as possible. He has put his heart into it and deserves the support of book lovers everywhere uk.bookshop.org/shop/Jam
Jam bookshop Bookshop UKuk.bookshop.org A shop run by an illustrator for lovers of books, comics, illustration, reading and style.
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Can't miss the opportunity to share my own favorite Superb Owl, an Athenian silver tentradrachm from c. 400 BCE.
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I heard it's #SuperbOwl Sunday! All owls are superb! Burrowing owls are especially so, if you ask me. 🪶