Aaron πŸ—οΈπŸš²πŸŒ²πŸ€

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Aaron πŸ—οΈπŸš²πŸŒ²πŸ€


Dingbat enthusiast. Redwood irredentist. Lake Merritt booster. Formerly Prince of Prosciutto.

Cities are for people not cars. California is not full.

he etc
VTA is gonna need another measure for BART SV?? πŸ™ƒ
Trump has the Christian nationalist votes pretty well sewn up by this point
they didn't trust him on abortion in 2016, but now he's actually delivered the repeal of Roe!
today’s lunch: charred corn & kimchi quesadillas
still too much national politics Discourse on this site, not enough parsing of floor plans or zoning changes
"say, what's on the other side of that big lake?" "nothing, nothing at all Bob"
US officials refusing to acknowledge the existence, let alone expertise, of the rest of the world part seventeen million and thirty six
California is just addicted to discretionary review processes
California is just addicted to discretionary review processes
here's the aforementioned 17-circuit map that could accompany a court reform that gives you 17 justices
with 17 justices and 17 circuits, you could have each circuit covering ~20 million people (I did this math and arranged the states for it the other night because I’m unwell)
he just wrote two big blog posts about it! pro replacing Biden, can't recall if he's Team Harris or Team Secret Third Candidate (and he might be agnostic even)
I only really think about California governance (except to occasionally get angry about NYC barely being a democracy, or sad about Iowa)
but regarding Governor Ron DeSantis: you do not, in fact, gotta hand it to him
most car crash news is police stenography, and the police here (as manywheres) seem deeply fucked
you and @richardm.bsky.social are right that HOAs make sense for multifamily housing Ned is right they’re bad for detached housing if we define them as a governance structure for multifamily housing, if a development has an HOA that means it’s multifamily & thus not allowed for single family zones
those House Dems probably have Joe's phone number, whereas you (probably) don't have 20th Century Fox on speed dial
and now it won't let me message my doctor πŸ™ƒ
$350 co pay for an x ray really puts the β€œout of pocket” in β€œout of pocket costs”
I guess the system worked tho, because I will not be consuming that discretionary medical service today
interesting, and revealing, how Hispanic & Asian voters are closer to white voters than to Black voters on the question
it was super nice! I was actually a little surprised by how good I found it (makes me wonder about the process for finding artists/making stylistic choices)
new name for this type of weird excess requirement in the zoning code: junk zoning (in this case literally zoning for junk)
Mountain View's R3 zone also requires 500 sq ft(!) of bulk storage per unit that's a generous sized studio apartment just for your extra stuff!
Broadway Valdez is all large lots (former car dealerships etc), we still don't know how to do something like this with normal sized parcels. They require help in zoning, building codes and financing. But if we ever cracked that nut we could imagine a thousand Broadway Valdezes.
the @cayimby.bsky.social team took a tour of the Broadway Valdez neighborhood in Oakland, one of the most successful specific plan areas in the state which has produced 4500 new homes in the past decade planning focused on public realm improvements instead of micromanaging the new buildings
I enjoyed seeing the different public art developers provided (in lieu of a 1% arts fee) the first photo is a fairly drab facade, but as the trees grow that plaza (former slip lane!) will become an incredible public space I think #urbanism
the @cayimby.bsky.social team took a tour of the Broadway Valdez neighborhood in Oakland, one of the most successful specific plan areas in the state which has produced 4500 new homes in the past decade planning focused on public realm improvements instead of micromanaging the new buildings