
Morning Bluesky. Off to another TV meeting this morning. But just to start the day in the same space… If you thought the BBC’s Question Time specifically platformed hard right voices, we now have data:
Technically, Farage isn't a politician any more... even his 'party' is a business. He'd be top of that list surely.
Yes, I’m sure he would.
I’d have to check. A huge number.
"deplatforming" actually works and i wish media organisations would do it. no, we don't need to hear his opinions because we already know what they all are and they're shite. you might as well just put up a card that says "nigel is saying the same shit he always does" and be done with it.
Once every three-four months, give or take? I'd need longer to start missing him. Considerably longer..
He's never even been an MP. Man's a charlatan.
No, but he was an MEP (albeit a shit one) which was an equally valid political role.
I tend to forget that because of the galloping, eye-watering hypocrisy of him taking that position, given his stance on Brexit.
Well, he has a German passport and takes his pension in Euros, so he's not affected by Brexit as much as the rest of the population.
It also damaged our ability to sway the parliament, since iirc the MEPs in his party refused to vote. And I assume they didn't participate in any committees, through which more engaged politicians might have influenced EU legislation
For all his harping about British fishermen, I believe he only attended one meeting of the EU fisheries commission, which he was a part of, the whole time he was in the EU parliament.
Technically I think that's the most honest thing his party has ever done, as most far-right people are simply in it for what they can get out of it. That being a right-wing grifter is something the world has deemed acceptable and not push back against is a sign of how sick society is right now.
I totally agree with this, Helen.
That's what I was going to say. He has stated in an interview that UKIP wasn't a political party but a campaigning protest group. (He never intended to get elected, apparently. 🙄🤥)
OK, I'm not really surprised, which moderates the irritation, but what is actually making me proper angry is that this parade of blow-hard right wing opinion mongers continues while real news journalism in the form of Newsnight is cut.
Exactly. If you think of all the great voices out there who could have contributed their wisdom, it’s a travesty.
What’s happened to Newsnight and BBC journalism in particular has been terrible for the UK. The death of a thousand Conservative cuts.
I left the UK in 2003 and came back in 2019. The decline of BBC news’ standards was shocking.
Despite BBC News’ credulous treatment of the Coalition’s claims to centrism, the 2015 parliament now looks like the cliff edge of precipitous decline. Was this row a turning point quickly obscured by the referendum? Is there a through line from Cameron to Richard Sharp?
Cameron intervenes in BBC governance Insistence on board appointments set to trigger bruising conflict over independence
Looking at the list, I'm reminded of Chris Brookmyre's memorable coinage in a talk I heard him give - the Telegraph-Spectator Axis of Arseholes.
I think one thing the right have weaponised very effectively is simply being a reliable contact for time-poor BBC bookers: if you will say, "Yes," every single time they need "viewpoint X" then you make life much easier for them and don't make them expand their contacts list.
This is an important point that many don’t get.
Illuminating. The whole format is tired and staid as well as increasingly discredited.
Exactly. Very badly chaired. Haven't watched for years.
Same here, just don’t have the stomach for it!
Panellists are expected to repeat their Party line, audience are screened and vetted and there is unfair prominence given to some parties.
You spelt "the producers of question time are raging right-wing loons" wrong
Well, looking back, BBC Question Time notoriously gave the BNP leader a platform on the programme as early as September 2009. In retrospect that was very obvious sign of where the BBC political coverage and wider British politics were headed.
I met a some of their researchers back before brexit landed, a daft bunch of cnuts - clearly hired because they were true believers. It was pretty clear what Gentchev et al. were up to
Pretty sure Zanny Minton Beddoes is a minor PG Wodehouse character
Makes me even happier that I don't have a TV. This bombardment of right wing views has created a fascist faction in the population allowing parties like Reform to get a hold. For the first time ever I am thinking that PR may have disadvantages if you have a brainwashed electorate.
It’s very much a one person vote though. Once Farage skulks away, Reform will drift back to 6%. One reason why Labour should be working especially hard to win Clacton.
The Labour candidate certainly looks amazingly photogenic 😍. I'm praying Farage doesn't "persuade" the Conservative candidate to back out.
The small d democrat in me feels a bit funny about FPTP's tendency to suppress votes. Ironically, had UKIP received more than 0.2% of MPs on 12.6% of the votes in 2015, we may have never left the EU. Sunlight is the best disinfectant: 60-70 of them would've ended this one man show pretty quickly.
I've always thought PR the better system, perhaps I am letting my personal antipathy to NF colour my vision. I loathe the idea of him being in parliament, though perhaps he would be better controlled by the systems there than outside fêted by the RW media.
yes, one day the UK will cotton on to this
“Balance” 😂 Have a decent day
Also a noticeable bias towards Karens?
Another reason why Any Questions has always been the superior version. That, and the fact that they don't take random comment from the audience
Nah if it was staged it wouldn't be so inane