
Here’s what the national guard bullshit is really about.
They want their Kent State to scare normies into voting for the Daddy party.
i feel like i’m taking crazy pills, state repression is a very bipartisan effort ?
i think the gop absolutely wants to sow chaos to help with the election but i also think the main point of crushing dissent for them and the liberals collaborating on it is to crush dissent
Liberal centrists tend to be more subtle about it, specifically because they are so averse to the chaos that the far-right craves.
regardless they participate en masse and i feel like that at least bears mentioning
When the GOP starts screaming antisemitism, the left feels the need to crack down on antisemitism. It's an automatic reflex. Only slowly is the left trying to get clarity on the issue.
it is very much not limited to this context though ? cop city is a liberal project for one
Sadly, “campus unrest” > genocide for far too many people.
do you really need an electoral theory to explain why conservatives love cracking skulls?
Yes, that's why we are hearing it from Cotton and Johnson and more right wing agitators. The protest organizers have jumped on it too and inserted it into warnings and demands. Seems they aspire to the legacy of protests from the 60s
I doubt they want that precise legacy. I’m sure none of them wants to be shot.
Exactly…that’s why the House Speaker and his minions showed up at Columbia so quickly. They’ve got nothing..and are desperate to find something.
Ah, the “cruelty” is the point. I see the case for that. That said, I think this is how you civil disobedience, has it really been so long that we forgot point of arrests etc?
Debord would be so proud, such a Situation
Free next movie idea for Garland, picture it… Civil Disobedience (sorry, was going to workshop that more but had a bad day)
But the protest coalition is made of fiscal liberals and social conservatives, and Garland acts like you’re the idiot if you question how plausible that is
Well I haven’t seen latest yet but I guess at least different than how McKay would do, have it be like Protest for Good, you know too on the nose
I suppose. Ideally it would be kind of like The Trial of the Chicago Seven. Taking some kind of interest in the politics that led up to this inherently political event.
Ok can someone end history again for bit so we can get it made?
Trump couldn't get the appropriate response from tanking the immigration bill, so Republican governors (Abbott) are taking their marching orders from Trump and using the current protests to up the chaos. Same subject (get Trump elected), different tactic. Authoritarians do it all the time!
Bingo. Biden should nationalize the Guard unit of any Republican governor who tries to take a more active role in the scam.
Yup" the right always wants to ride into power on fear. I do think, though, that Johnson is participating in order to rebuild his credibility as a culture warrior with his MAGA buddies.
I pray you're wrong about this, but given how prescient the rest of your work has been I don't think you are.
As a thing to organize against for the GOP, won’t this also dissipate as an after colleges let out in May?
The students will be back in time for the election. Will Biden have taken any steps to alleviate suffering in Gaza by then or will it be more “aides say that privately Biden is very angry at Netanyahu for his continued use of napalm and mustard gas against civilians”
Yeah that’s true and time will tell (I’m not optimistic on that front). In this case I meant it solely in the way it is being used as a cause for the right to go after when there’s not much else to sink their teeth into (not that they don’t just make shit up if necessary).
which is another reason why these protests are foolish. they're divisive and distracting, not to mention they foster a climate of hate on campus.
Nailed it but the Dems seem to be falling into that trap just like they fell in to Bibis
Bingo. As I mentioned elsewhere, just in time to throw a monkey wrench into the’24 elections.
A potential power play would be to activate the Guard, then deploy them with very clear orders to *protect* the protesters from local cops and meddling politicians trying to interfere with their First Amendment rights.
June is pride month outrage and crackdowns. July is gas prices outrage (even if they’re rising seasonally). That means we’ll hear about “rising crime” again in August. DNC convention is right before September & maybe more trials so weaponization of government comes back. Then the October surprise ❤️
And “the Caravan” is ready to go at a moment’s notice.
So mindblowing to me that it never occurs to them to actually figure out policies that people would vote for...
I think support for Israel divides the Republican party as well. maybe not as much
Not as much - only 21 Republicans voted against the Israel aid