
The main thing to understand about abortion ban exceptions do not exist. They are ornamental. They’re like plastic fruit. They are not meant to be used, they’re just there to make the ban look reasonable.
same goes for divorce ban exemptions for domestic violence conservatives want women trapped in abusive relationships
I hate how perfect that comparison is. Well done.
Exactly! Every situation is different. Every need for an abortion is an exception. There is no normal.
Pro-life people cares about a fetus with no consciousness more than actual living children who can't eat healthy foods for their development. They're hypocrites.
$100 to the first pro life christian that adopts a child born from an unwanted pregnancy.
they actually do this constantly, as much as they possibly can, it's like a billion dollar industry run by evangelicals, there's an absolutely staggering demand for these potentially adoptable children, there's waitlists decades long
like i understand you're saying they're hypocrites and they are but the abortion ban is very much part of a plan to adopt as many babies into white christian homes as possible and they are not neglecting that side of the equation at all
the issue with the abortion bans is not a glut of babies but the cruelty to the people forced to birth them
As an adoptee, I'll also say that it isn't like re-homing a pet. I had fantastic parents, but there is trauma you carry. I was born pre-roe for context. Not to mention finding my birth mother in my 30s and the trauma she also carried.
Then it should be an easy $100 for one of them to collect
it will indeed! not a lot of them are on bluesky but if you go over to facebook and make your offer you'll have no less than 3000 evangelical couples in your inbox within the hour requesting your $100 for their home study for their 8th adoption. they fundraise through churches typically
Why would you do this to an innocent baby?
It’s as if the cruelty is the point.
Republicans probably consider child delivery some sort of entertainment, especially when it's for watching the child die. They should get a bollard stuffed up their arse so they can get entertained too.
Can we stick them in a moat with alligators for our entertainment?
I wouldn't mind, but this is one of the cases why they have the police. It's only republicans who are allowed to be entertained.
A nuance here that I wish we’d talk about more is that exceptions to 24wk bans work about as well as exceptions to 6wk bans- they’re both PR for abortion bans! And they’re useful across party lines.
We should talk more about how late-term abortions are traumatic and functionally never come about by choice. The fact that the right was allowed to just make up a situation where people were wantonly killing near-term fetuses, instead of dealing with agonizing problems, is truly grotesque.
I’m sorry but it is just not true that later abortions are forced in any way. Often hard circumstances, yes. But patients move mountains to access care they know they need. I’m not interested in erasing our agency OR the unjust barriers we have to navigate to access care.
I think you misunderstand me - I'm arguing against the canard that people who have abortions late in pregnancy are irrensponsible and/or ghoulish, and so it's ethically okay to severely restrict late abortions. I want all barriers to care gotten rid of.
We agree on the urgent need to abolish all abortion bans. And I hope we’re moving away from the idea that later abortion care is only needed under traumatic circumstances to do it.
Ultimately I don't have a problem with there being an ethics around how abortion care is administered vis a vis fetal viability; I have an extreme problem with the notion that it is a legitimate interest of any lawmaking body.
Yup. I wish I had a good sense of how many people understand this. Based on your comment, it sounds like you think maybe not many/enough?
Correct, the rape or incest exclusion is mythical because these charges take months or years to adjudicate. Meanwhile - forced birth, the real goal, has been accomplished.
Plastic fruit. Sigh… apt and depressing
You have to wonder if, to Repubs, the Ashleys are considered collateral damage or if cruelty is the point, and specifically cruelty to those most vulnerable. Either way, they're monsters.
It's cruelty if we look at other things they're doing. To all but straight white evangelicals.
If the law grants you a right, but the requirements for exercising that right make it practically impossible, then you do not in fact have that right. Once upon a time, courts even recognized this. See e.g. the "disparate impact" standard, which almost seems quaint in today's juridical environment.
What happened to the dude who raped her? Probation?
What a hellish start to being a teenager. No college. No career. Socially ostracized as a teen mother. Sorry that we voters failed her.
I hope #Florida voters are reading this. The Abortion Rights Amendment is on the ballot in November. We got to get it passed. We need 60% of the vote.
If you have eaten plastic fruit do reach out— I have settled several such claims, often for money
When people ask why this makes me feel rage…
This should not be happening in this COUNTRY!!!
It will continue if we don't vote BLUE down ballot.
On this planet, or any other.
If they really believed the embryo was a whole-ass person with equal rights, they wouldn't talk about exceptions at all. But they don't. It's about controlling people with uteruses.
caveat: They're only for the kids of the politicians who signed support for the bill.
Don’t forget their mistresses
Nah, that's traditionally done with a wire coat hanger.
The coat hangers are for the poors, the $$$pro lifers are the ones skipping around entire countries for their own health
Not if TFG gets back into our WH. Then no state is safe. No woman is safe.
Even more than their restrictions, they love their corruption to get around them.
Absolutely. has been saying this for years
Even when their law says there are exceptions to an abortion ban, they make it impossible to actually use that exception. Voters stop being fooled (or fooling yourself), by politicians who are against your class, your humanity, your healthcare, who are against you.
13-year-old rape victim has baby amid confusion over state's abortion A 13-year-old rape victim in Mississippi carried her baby to term amid her family's confusion over whether she could get an abortion in the state.