Jeff ♨ Darcy

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Jeff ♨ Darcy

Retired software developer. Proud parent. Runner, hiker, snowboarder, pickleballer. LGBTQIA+ and ND adjacent. Suburbanist.
I spread my short writing among four micro-blogging apps. In order of appearance: Xitter, Mastodon, Threads, and here. My longer pieces go to Tumblr or WriteFreely. If I concentrated on one, I might be a Bigger Deal, but I don't want to be a Bigger Deal. What I want is one tab instead of six.
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Do you remember a couple years ago when Boston Children’s Hospital was targeted with bomb threats because of disinformation of their gender-related services, and a woman was arrested? She was convicted, and in the defense sentencing memorandum is something interesting.
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The entire game of making right wingers “patriots” and liberals “America haters” is about gerrymandering what you’re allowed to be proud of in American history and what counts as hatred. Pride in The New Deal doesn’t count and hatred of immigrants and America’s largest cities doesn’t count either.
One of the few things the left and right should be able to agree on is that the constitution is failing us and we need a new one. The main difference is that the right has been working effectively toward that goal. We sane people have to work *just as hard* to turn the result away from fascism.
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
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I keep thinking about what a disaster the current Chevron ruling could have been during the pandemic. Especially in light of Fucking Epstein's glib memo saying there would be maybe 500 COVID deaths.
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the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Reposted byAvatar Jeff ♨ Darcy
Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.
Did any of the Six Tyrants not perjure themselves during their confirmation hearings? Seems like all of them have made statements about settled law, separation of powers, etc. that turned out to be blatantly false.
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In my opinion, the conservative members of the Supreme Court represent a clear and present danger to the ongoing stability and peace of the United States. Given that situation, a President would be well within his Core Constitutional powers to eliminate that danger
"What's stopping you from..." The fact that I'm not a performative engagement-baiting asshole. Should just block that phrase, it's so annoying.
Like Threads, Bluesky is having trouble keeping up with the volume of posts today and is returning cached results for the "discover" feed. Barely changed since this morning.
As someone who used to win debate competitions, two observations. (1) What we see on TV is not a debate. (2) Whatever it is, it's a poor guide to choosing a candidate. That kind of performance has its place, but it tells us nothing about a person's real beliefs, judgment, or character.
A lot of people seem to think they've become more liberal as they've gotten older, but in reality most of them have simply stood still (at best) while the country lurched right. Many of them are *deeply* conservative in the word's true sense, no matter what flags they fly or lawn signs they put out.
All of a sudden, I'm seeing about 20x more "liberals are being so mean to us true non-voting leftists" posts. Across multiple social-media sites. It *could* be algorithm insanity, but it's far more likely to be something else. Just block them.
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Just making sure you’ve all seen this. Artist Chavis mármol has crushed a Tesla with a giant Olmec head sculpture and I think it is very, very beautiful
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Today, on Juneteenth, if you are a descendant of a formerly enslaved person I invite you to take a moment to acknowledge, mourn, and cherish all it means. If you are a descendant of a people who benefited from slavery I invite you to explore what steps remain to address the legacy of that injustice.
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Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Under current law, you really couldn’t do much better than Biden’s FTC and NRLB. New Deal shit.
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when I saw greenwald and his cadre of sentient hemorrhoids pushing that notion, I knew bellingcat was legit.
Inside the false (dead) thing, a trace of the real (live) thing remains. Also, not quite as cool, but very thematic. Life finds a way.
PLEASE please please look at this with me
I'd add "stitch" to that list.
Please stop using the following phrases in posts to social media. They have passed their sell-by dates even with extensions and should be considered expired. impactful IYKYK yeeted nice capture! sus living rent free swol doggos kiddos glow up Thank you for maintaining good social media hygiene.
This picture is from a story on the Rochester Hills "splash pad" shooting yesterday. Did this absurdly expensive vehicle contribute at all to an effective response? Nope. Taxpayer money should not be wasted on military-style vehicles, weapons, clothing, or tactics. Wrong fucking mission.
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The lines that I see playing out in people’s lives and then into politics are who has or has not been hurt by or lost someone to the police, who or who has not lost someone to the medical system or the lack of it, who has or has not had their home or lands or neighborhood redlined or stolen or sold.
I'm pretty far left myself, but I will also insta-block anyone who trots out another "liberals believe" strawman. Spending all your time attacking people who just possibly might be your allies instead of the people who will always be your implacable enemies makes you an idiot, and a tiresome one.
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As long as we're all talking about how naive Liz Breunig is, remember when she said the end of abortion would lead to better policies for parents?
I don't automatically follow rules. I've broken quite a few. Nonetheless, I generally favor rules that make life in potentially dangerous situations more *predictable*. People doing random unpredictable crap increases cognitive load for everyone else, which increases incidents or accidents.
I find it slightly hilarious that some people here are convinced that Bluescreen has the best aspects of Xitter, and some people are convinced that it has the worst aspects. Few seem to consider that it's both, or neither, or that Threads and Mastodon even exist.
What's with all the "open followback" posts? Is this another Twitter-colonist thing? Annoying AF.