
Yeah. “Amid confusion” is a hell of a way to spell “the policy is working exactly as intended.”
Yeah. Horrific poverty at one end and expansive prison labor plantations at the other has been the social model since the end of Reconstruction.
And of course, the moment she goes for any assistance whatsoever, the Republicans will be loudly casting her as a welfare queen. FFS this is so very broken.
It’s not broken. It’s working exactly how they wanted it to work.
I'm not talking about what the ghouls want. I meant broken in the sense of how a normal, healthy, functioning, compassionate society should work.
The moment she asks for assistance, the state will force her to get into contact with the person who raped and impregnated her, or his family. AND call her a lazy welfare queen.
I'm not exaggerating; this is a reality in most states. If you become pregnant from assault, you should have it explained to you in clear language that, should you decide to keep this pregnancy, the state WILL force you into contact with your attacker, and even potentially have you split custody.
This is what they want.
So here we are. Unbelievable. The Republican Party has openly stated this policy goal for decades and decades and decades.
This makes Republicans happy
It's entirely the fault of "her family's confusion," you see.
Yeah this framing is horrendous on a few levels
A 12 year old pregnant rape victim. Just to twist the knife of rage, she was 12.
At least she survived. At 13, death from pregnancy complications would be much more likely. Put a pin in this story, because the man who raped this child will be in the picture at some point in the future. States just love forcing people to remain in contact with their attackers when a child results
He’ll probably run for office as a Republican
Is an ex-felon allowed to run for office in Mississippi?
He hasn’t been convicted yet and statistically he’s not likely to be.
Does this make America great again ?
Prosperity gospel. If you have money, it’s because you’re moral and god has blessed you with wealth. If you are poor, it’s because you are immoral and god is punishing you with poverty. This explains the claims poor people use assistance for drugs but billionaires use tax breaks to benefit society.
As the saying goes, “Jesus ain’t got nothing to do it.”
For conservatives, this is what they want. But no social services to support this child/mom, or the baby. That’s just a bridge too far for them. They just want to further victimize rape victims and abandon their children.
Good fucking god. Poor thing. Poor things, her and baby. wtf are we even doing
Though their methods are different, the Christian right is no different from the Afghan Taliban: one uses the courts, while the other uses whippings, stonings, etc. The goal is the same: to subjugate women, and turn them into the “ideal” woman that the idiot Chiefs kicker was having wet dreams about
Across the world womens lives are blighted by weak men acting out and abusing the power they have unjustly inherited.
In our own Unified Reich, Stalin's Order of Maternal Glory ("Materinskaya slava") can be dusted off and put to good use.
In a Unified Reich, it's called the Mutterkreuz.
WHAT THE HELL. SHE IS THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. Girls that age should be worrying about lots of things - the latest fashions, the dumbest new memes raging amongst their ilk, how hot that new exchange student who just arrived last Friday is. Stuff. They should NOT be worrying about motherhood!!
She is lucky to have survived the pregnancy. Her body really, really wasn't ready for that. Also, comprehensive sex-ed would have helped her advocate for herself after being raped, as opposed to blame and shame abstinence only programs.
That's why they're telling people to protest public education. They want people uneducated. Then they don't know they have rights. Same with the bs of defunding police, libraries, etc. The whole anti-abortion and anti-lgbtq rights are done by Moms4Liberty funded by #KochNetwork.
This kind of shit is absolutely heartbreaking, cruel, and unnecessary
Good thing this 13 yo will be well supported with free post-natal care, free childcare so she can continue her education and $$ to feed herself and her baby. Oh wait, that's Finland.
Sickening! I also have just learned, that child marriage is allowed in some states of the USA. And child labor is on the rise again, too.
Child marriage in the United States -
I'd hazard to say MOST states in the USA allow child marriage tbh. There are only 12 that have a law banning child marriage under all circumstances. Two of whom only implemented the law this year (Washington and Virginia).
Many states have an "exceptional circumstances" ruling, which means that if parents permit, or if the CHILD is pregnant or has given birth, it is perfectly legal for an adult to marry them. Four US states have no age limit. Meaning a 42yo man could legally marry a 6yo girl if her parents say OK.
And the parents often permit because it is a financial transactions. These marriages are facilitated in churches. There’s a big Venn Diagram overlap between the type of prominent men who buy child brides and those who become state-level GOP politicians.
This is so unspeakably barbaric and unworthy.
Oh yeah. And these same sick fucks will fight tooth and nail to protect the legality of forcing a child to marry an adult/predator. Which is what these laws get used for, as nearly all child marriage is of that type.
Yes, I agree. Smug malice and ignorance. They are gaining ground worldwide and don't need a majority to be destructive. I hope decency regains ground. But I don't think it will happen without great effort.
This is undoubtedly cheered by the Republican Party as some sort of “win”. Now they can deny the little girl the mental health she needs and they can complain when her child needs welfare.
The law of conservative projection is absolute. Now consider how much conservative culture is rife with conspiracy theories that "outsiders" to their culture are trying to infiltrate them to abduct and abuse children. Having grown up in the deep south, the call is coming from inside the house.