uosdwis r dewoh

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uosdwis r dewoh


Soccer, mountain biking, digital government
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for officewww.washingtonpost.com Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
i have so much boundless contempt for these pathetic white men, who were blessed enough to be born in one of the few attempts at multiracial democracy in the world, and who panic at being no more valued than anyone else to the extent that they'd blow it all up and go back to divine right of kings
Is this what it’s like rooting for the Washington Generals except the games are real?
It’s difficult being a U.S. soccer fan. If they come out and win against Uruguay- I’ll be happy. Might be more happy if they lose and fire Berhalter who is not the right coach for 2026. Plenty of blame to spread around for tonight, team took for granted that this was going to be a CONCACAF-y match.
I’m not sure who the audience for tonight‘s debate is, but it definitely isn’t me. I know how I’m voting (though I’m not thrilled about it), and I don’t need to put myself through the anxiety of watching tonight.
Data on Gilead's HIV capsid inhibitor lenacapavir are truly extraordinary. Zero (!!!) infections among the women who received this potential new form of PrEP. Now all hands on deck are needed to map out its eventual rollout. My latest (gift link): www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Game-Changing HIV Shot Can’t Get to High-Risk Groups Fast Enoughwww.bloomberg.com Lenacapavir proved it's possible to prevent 100% of infections in women. Access and affordability are the next big hurdles.
Tech companies — whether or not they are the main cause of this country’s mental health woes — are actively obstructing the search for solutions, argue the Citizens and Technology Lab at Cornell University's Dr. J. Nathan Matias and Data & Society's Janet Haven. www.techpolicy.press/social-media...
Social Media Warnings Alone Can't Solve the Youth Mental Health Crisis | TechPolicy.Presswww.techpolicy.press Tech companies — whether or not they are the main cause of this country’s mental health woes — are actively obstructing the search for solutions.
Los botes que he pegado, la euforia desatada, el grito de gol ahogado (para no despertar al peque). INCREÍBLE!!!! 💙🤍
Buenos y blanquiazules días 😍🤍💙🤟🏼
Somehow found a stream of my Malaga CF playing for promotion to Segunda against Nastic. With the Euros going on this is well under the radar for soccer fans but I’m on pins and needles here. Malaga has to score in extra time to move up, otherwise away goals is the tie breaker and Nastic moves up.
the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power Systemswww.bloomberg.com New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
Two years late but finally the publicity efforts are starting to have an impact
This is fascinating and awful and i don’t know what it means for the web, but these AI attention vacuums are being constructed by the most well-funded companies. They are all taking shots at Google, at replacing search and internet indexing brick by brick.
Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.
This is hilarious and a good example of how an incomplete or biased corpus can skew the output of a language model. If you see the word “delve” in an article it’s almost certainly generated by ChatGPT
Delving into “delve”pshapira.net If scientific authors use ChatGPT in writing their papers, it is likely that common ChatGPT words will appear.
Unlike private-sector data brokers, most* government databases are required by law to collect only the minimum type of data needed for their purpose and no more, and they must go through a formal public process to define what and why they need it. * non-classified of course
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
This is incredible data for a public program that works. Minnesota does get a few things right with public programs and health and human services.
States often cut off payments to kids when they move from foster care into adoptive families or kin guardianships. Minnesota worried this might unintentionally slow moves out of foster care. In 2015, basically equalized payments for kids age 6+ but not for younger (Figure 1). What happened next?
The NYT laying off half it’s art dept as they ramp up the use of A.I. tools is 100% related to UArts closing due to a “steep drop in enrollment.” Regardless of A.I.’s actual capabilities the story being told to (and accepted by) business leaders is damaging the perceived value of the visual arts.
love that we've ceded control of our primary voice networks because we're too corrupt to pass and enforce rules that don't upset telemarketers and debt collectors
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
“Do not use your phone to answer phone calls” is not advice as much as it’s a condemnation of regulatory inaction that has led a vital means of communication to ruin.
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your phone.www.washingtonpost.com Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
I think it's totally insane that more people don't know about PrEP. The fact that we have a prophylactic medication to prevent HIV is one of the greatest medical achievements of my lifetime. It's hard to explain just how hopeless the fight against AIDS felt in the 80s and 90s.
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
Does anyone feel they’ve been using ChatGPT more and more and more in the past few months? Like it’s now a really essential part of your life or workflow? For me it was a fun thing to play around with but it never did anything useful and I never think of using it anymore.
Oh my god, the Apple/OpenAI deal is so weak. Apple paid them nothing, and as @markgurman.bsky.social reports, it could end up costing OpenAI a ton of money if people actually use it at scale. Apple even takes a cut if people subscribe to ChatGPT Plus. Where's the profit, Sam? t.co/MGTdWeJsyG
imo, 'plagiarism' even misses the point of what is going on here. AI search is an information control project, where all available information online comes to the consumer through specifically controlled channels operated by black box technology that requires vast computational resources to operate
"In the AI-rendered future, publishing as it exists today makes no sense." nymag.com/intelligence...
The Other Big Problem With AI Searchnymag.com What if plagiarism is the whole product?