
The right wing majority on scotus legalizes bribery and criminalizes homelessness because to them, rich people deserve rights and poor people deserve nothing. If they were deserving they’d be rich.
yes they view graft, which they themselves enjoy, as the just rewards for a life well lived. it attaches to the offices of power naturally. it's their spoils!
is there any reason* not to just commit to calling it "the corrupt roberts court" every time it needs to be named *legal reason i guess i mean
And that the media that would need to do that agrees with them.
I grew up surrounded by these people, and what you say is not hyperbole. It’s precisely their mentality.
Gotta pick yourself up by your bootstraps like Brett Kavanaugh did when some anonymous donor paid off his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debts.
Prosperity gospel bullshit has permeated American Christianity and it shows.
American ✝️ has always had a gross excess of Calvinism running through it.
This is worth tacking on after any republican statement.
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit
But the law in its infinite equality forbids both the rich and the poor from sleeping under bridges!
This is basically Puritanism.
Came here to say Max Weber got it super-right
They might as well have gotten the people on my Nextdoor feed to write the opinion.
Yes, the revolting trend of "Prosperity Theology" ... 'If you're rich, it's because God loves and rewards you.' It's from the same sewer of greedy human delusion that attempted to justify slavery and disown guilt.
Their sugar daddies profit off of prison labor, so if they continuously lock up people for being homeless there will be more yachts for daddy and them!
The right wing SCOTUS majority are vile, vomit garbage wastes of space.
The pathology, even borderline sociopathy, of the conservatives on #SCOTUS, is both laid bare and is the inevitable result of the #GOP’s decades long project to legalize lawlessness for the wealthy.
Ordinary Americans: Can we tell you about systemic racism and oppression? SCOTUS: That’s reverse discrimination!!!!!
Up next, the Divine Right of Kings.
Maybe some billionaire will gift Thomas and Alito some humanity
That would require any billionaire not named Mackenzie Scott to know where to locate any or for it to have any value to either of them.
the protestant work ethic never got derided the same way as “rain follows the plough” despite being just as stupid on its face and far more damaging in the long run
emperor's new groove yzma gif here. you know the one.
The modern conservative movement consists of exactly two principles, part 1000000
They also give themselves the sole power to decide how or whether to deal with pollution, epidemics, and all that fun stuff of modern life.
When money is your god, being poor is a sin.
How to apply for asylum in Spain.
And "oh, the Democrats in the executive branch think they can figure out what Congress wanted to do? Nope."
Calvinism at work in the US Republican party today
That's Justice Thomas' argument. He deserves to be rich.
It's the combination of believing "the world is zero-sum" and "the world is just (i.e. those who are rich deserve it, those who are poor deserve it)" that is the underpinning of right-wing politics. Which is why the New Deal was so powerful, and why the right wing hates it so much.
Calvinist predestination at its finest, "I'm rich, so God loves me more, you're not, so God obviously does not love you, you are not one of the chosen, you must be bad, and don't deserve to be treated as human"
The Puritans ought to be taken out behind the barn and beaten with a switch instead of being lauded as heroic. Those weirdos have a lot to be ashamed of.
Let me introduce you to my friend, Max Weber.
Jail is free public housing for the homeless, but it's contingent on the cruelty, stigma, and fiscal irresponsibility modern "conservatives" crave.
Wait. Which decision was the bribery one? I can’t keep up
He's talking about yesterday's opinion in Snyder v. U.S., and he's lying about it.
I’m describing the supreme court’s jurisprudence on public corruption laws accurately, and the screenshot of this absurd opinion supports my point not yours.
To be clear, you're saying an opinion that recognizes gratuities and briberies are punishable under separate statutes "legalizes bribery"? It's fine to disagree with the reasoning but your description is not an honest one.
I am saying an opinion that effectively legalizes bribery as long as payment is deferred is part of the long pattern of scotus undermining public integrity prosecutions for bribery yes. You regurgitating the reasoning in obfuscating legal jargon really doesn’t change anything
Gotta love a guy who really really really can't see the forest for the trees, eh?
Laying out a roadmap for rich people and cops to (legally) violate the Constitution is a weird version of "originalism".
Again, you're just making up what the opinion does. If by "regurgitating the reasoning" in the opinion, you mean I took the time to understand what it says instead of making something up, I and most others would see that as making a stronger, better argument.