
it’s been a few days now and that “black jobs” thing is still all over my tiktok
People have been seeing a “funny,” harmless Trump interpolated through memes since 2021 and are now getting a reminder of what he is really about
have literally heard service workers in Vegas who heard Trump promise not to tax their tips and them suddenly saying they'll vote for Trump now, and I think it's probably important to remind people that Trump is not known for keeping his word, particularly to non rich people
He was president for four years. Why didn't he do it then?
yes, I made that point, and I guess it's going to come down to what sorts of people reflect upon their impulses and desires, as I could not at that time be a smart-ass and point out that most of them were probably not making enough to pay significant US income tax anyway
He not only didn’t do it he made it legal for management to steal tips
well I guess I should have remembered that but I was so taken aback by any such nonsense being in the conversation in the first place
Well we just found out that bribing officials = gratuity so maybe he's serious. Bribes no longer taxed! Don't even worry about declaring 🙄
Ending taxes on tips is legit something he’d likely support because at heart he’s a sleazy resort owner who would be very happy to erode revenue reporting, especially if he thinks it will create even a tiny opening for business owners to hide revenue.
Yup - exactly. In Trump’s ideal world, workers are there to be exploited
But which people? How much play is “black jobs” getting on network news, CNN, etc?
CNN had Clyburn on to talk about it this morning, at least.
I’m not certain, and I’m not saying this to be snarky, but I think it’s way more important to get this stuff out on tiktok. What portion of cnn’s already small audience is undecided?
I agree. I don’t think airing segments on CNN matters unless those segments produce moments that go viral elsewhere.
Indeed. Cable news is a tiny market these days.
Even longer than that I would argue. A crap ton of leftist poasters have spent the past decade insisting he was hilarious. That takes its toll when the hilarity is used to cover for truly awful things.
Experiencing trump's term in office should have permanently scarred anyone not already familiar with his depravity and cruelty. I have so little hope left