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retired poster. a very serious place
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Reposted byAvatar Addy,
I am a huge fan of this idea.
Legalizing direct-to-consumer car sales nationwide would be one way to disrupt a major GOP power center. Car dealerships are the quintessential industry propped up by corrupt laws that screw the people, and also happen to be commonly run by the absolute worst reactionary ghouls
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
Bitch Cassidy
I wish I was immune to secondhand embarrassment.
it's too hot to go outside I can't wait until it's too cold to go outside
ok well a friend dropped off a few little bar-shaped things to help with my anxiety so fingers crossed
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
Catching a Republican in a logical contradiction is so pointless. It's like showing a cat incontrovertible evidence that they have been fed already. They don't care. It didn't even register to them that you were speaking.
the only true rule of fascism is Rules For The, Not For Me.
What she’s missing though: Vance’s wife is “one of the good ones” so they’ll find a million tortured explanations for why she’s “okay”. Same way Ted Cruz is able to consider himself a “native-born” American even though he’s from Calgary. Wishing makes it so, in these cases.
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
maybe hes sad bc he just wants to get back to bae
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
same, now accepting applications for sugar parent I wish to be pampered now pls
It’s been a long journey, I appreciate everyone, but at this time I am stepping down as an adult. Thank You. ✌️
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
do you think essentially stripping the party of all previous standard bearers signals to the average dumbass voter that they have pushed out some sort of corruption and that the DNCs reluctance to do the same is evidence is their continuing nefarious ways or nah
maybe hes sad bc he just wants to get back to bae
we haven't cancelled any elders lately someone say some dumb shit
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
I will pay any reporter attending the RNC one hundred american dollars, cash, to pop a bunch of balloons real quick
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
fun fact- this joke is as old as the tipped minimum wage of $2.13
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
looks like he shit himself in class and he's struggling to decide whether to tell the teacher
this is the lamest shit i've ever seen SHOW US THE EAR
"tf do you mean you cry when you're constipated? does it hurt that bad?" "no,no, nothing like that, it just causes all-encompassing anxiety about the world and your place in it"
a fun thing to tell my younger self when I time travel back will be how much of my life is based around having to poop and The Ramifications
a fun thing to tell my younger self when I time travel back will be how much of my life is based around having to poop and The Ramifications
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
someone who used to private qt on twitter as a form of psychological warfare: i think this place is quite toxic ☝️🤓
would be dope if I could say this to a therapist but, you know, broke
I think I'm just feeling incredibly vulnerable bc I'm realizing all of my support system is gone. I'm broke, jobless, and feel like I don't have anyone close I can lean on. this sucks
I made the mistake of neglecting my life-long friends for my work friends in my last place. now those friends have been ripped away from me and I feel so distant from my old friends and I feel incredibly lonely and vulnerable
Reposted byAvatar Addy,
im sick of jacking off
There are jack off sessions where nothing happens; and there are jack off sessions where decades happen.
im sick of jacking off
There are jack off sessions where nothing happens; and there are jack off sessions where decades happen.
I woke up today and did not feel nauseous and dizzy for the first time in about a month. sweet relief
man that stretchin shit is really not a joke
oh i see its post about shit i dont care about night i guess ill log off