alex baca

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alex baca

GGWash D.C. policy dingus. Mad online about land use, but not paid to tweet.
When I see the glory, I ain’t gotta worry. I live in a duplex with a white picket fence. Ward 1 exceptionalist in Washington, D.C.
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Since 2008, the federal gas tax has only covered about half of federal highway expenses. The other half comes from: regular old tax revenue from everybody, no matter if they drive or not. That’s right, today’s hottest and most subsidized technology is: highways.
every third thurs i bike my records to the bar that used to be where my college bf and his roommates got their hair cut and subject unsuspecting patrons to basically every track from the feelies’ crazy rhythms
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I will not "loosen up." I will never "take it easy"
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I am in my early 30s now and I think I have chilled out a lot over the past 5 years and all I really want at this point is for things to work better and more justly. I am not actually happy when politicians are bad so that I have cause to dunk on them. It actually really sucks that they're bad.
yall the D.C. Council Dem primary endorsements will be out on Monday. I am sorry for the delay. it took a long time this year! There’s always a deliberation of how late to send out questionnaires—do you, an endorsing org, try to clear the field, or wait for the field to clear itself?
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Nun with a phallic rosary trying to trade a fish for a disembodied penis held by a cat. 1555.
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wake up grandpa. there's no such thing as "blue sky". you've been posting to live journal all along
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i hope every body finds the social media home they truly deserve
I know that everyone posts when they get a massage that their massage therapist says, “Wow, your muscles are so tight,” but mine just told me, “Everything is tight. It is like the body is saying SOS,” which: Yeah, my friend, it is, lol!!
happy 16th birthday to greater greater washington from my trip home on the 70. it is a joke that owe a blog my life, but i work for the place where i met my partner and my best friends, and i advocate for unstupid land use full-time because a place i volunteered built a staff. 16 more.
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convention hall, asbury park, new jersey, 1978
Having a real Cleveland (feeling real bummed about local government, walking around listening to Superdrag in weather that I, personally, think is too cool and gray for April) of a day today.
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i like the night bus baby
everything about road pricing is contained within this scenario
"I'd rather take the ferry now." That's the point, you fucking goober.
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They taught us this little thing from the 60s in planning school which is cute but there should be another couple dimensions, whether things get on the ladder at all and how long the whole thing takes if you're up in the top rungs here
My family text-thread content is of the bridge and recent trips on it. Watching video of something I have traveled on over a bazillion times is a shock I haven’t experienced before. This feels generationally defining: My parents saw it built, and fall.
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Just want to spare a thought for these folks and their loved ones, who came a long way to find work and stability only to die on the job.
I am at the yombocon.
I just do not think historic preservation is going to help you.
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father son and holy gost
I am going to spend my free time going to bars around the MCI Center to sit and read contrarian takes on economic development. No one will understand why this is funny, to me.
Happy post-Thanksgiving from the real turkey.
despite our best efforts we have not yet heard from the beyond today
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Tell me if you want a Thanksgiving invite. (Don’t be weird.)