
Philip Gourevitch
Philip Gourevitch
Staff Writer at The New Yorker, author of 'The Ballad of Abu Ghraib', 'A Cold Case' & 'We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families'
Jonathan Ladd
Jonathan Ladd
Political Scientist. Assoc Prof in the McCourt School and Dept of Government at Georgetown.

Scholar of public opinion, polling, and media effects.

Also occasionally a Marilynne Robinson stan account.
Mike Drucker
Mike Drucker
Emmy-nominated TV writer and comedian. wrote a book about Silent Hill 2. Newsletter: Email: mikedruckerisdead @ gmail .com
Tom Phillips
Tom Phillips
writer and stuff. just here for memes.
Mitildide 🦖
Mitildide 🦖
Universaliste, rationnelle, pro-émancipation

J'ai écrit un livre :

Other socials:

Banner : @mollynz
Morten Hansen
Morten Hansen
Assistant Professor of English. C20/21 American and Global Literature and Culture, Media, Sound, Space.
David Arditi
David Arditi
Sociology Associate Professor. Author Digital Feudalism, Getting Signed, Streaming Culture and more. Editor Fast Capitalism
Dr Cass Chideock
Dr Cass Chideock
TNO consultant in 🇳🇱: innovation, data & society. NED @CfPData. Former 🇬🇧 Cabinet Office: SMEs, data & tech. Also 🐕, 🧶, 🌱&📚. All own views. She/ Her.
I once grew a piece of my butt in a lab
Bleddyn Bowen
Bleddyn Bowen
Associate Professor | Astropolitics | Space warfare | Books: Original Sin ; War in Space 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏳️‍🌈 🚀🛰

“He doesn’t even see the stars - just the vast dark spaces in between.” - A Goodreads review
Philippe Auclair
Philippe Auclair
Writes and sings for Josimar, The Guardian and Tapete Records
Triples is best
Triples is best
Amsterdam-based Brexit escapee. Usually watching one of the Johns Wick.
Kieran Mc 🚟
Kieran Mc 🚟
Australian digital product consultant in London. Lover of tech, craft beer, urbanism, and Cities: Skylines. He/him, 🏳️‍🌈.
🐘: @[email protected]
🐦/🧵: @kjmci
Glenn Fleishman
Glenn Fleishman
I’m a printing and comics historian and, somehow, a technology journalist, book editor, and graphic designer. Back my book How Comics Were Made at You can find out about my work at
Ross McKay
Ross McKay
Influencer, not necessarily in a good way. Trying out another new platform because well, you know...
Durham based mam of two small humans. NHS Librarian. Reader, walker, cross stitcher, tea drinker. Friendly but tired. She/Her.
Laura Bridgewater
Laura Bridgewater
Biblioholic, fiber enthusiast, and gardening novice. Working on Act III. She/her
Kingfisher & Wombat
Kingfisher & Wombat
Wrote some books, won some awards. Strong feelings about plants. She/her
Gemma Clark
Gemma Clark
‘Godless heathen’. All about bodily autonomy and human rights
Holly Brewer
Holly Brewer
Opinions my own
Anthea Butler
Anthea Butler
MSNBC Columnist, Penn Prof. Rabid football fan, news and comms junkie, traveler and gin drinker.
Hunter Walker
Hunter Walker
Investigative Reporter @ TPM
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Colin Dickey
Colin Dickey
Writer of books, most recently Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy. Also Ghostland, The Unidentified, Afterlives of the Saints, Cranioklepty. He/him.
Gladstone's Library
Gladstone's Library
A unique residential library; a place to read, write and rest. Book a stay through our website and discover our beautiful Reading Rooms and boutique bedrooms!
Thomas Probert
Thomas Probert
Researcher on human rights and development. Formerly @UNHumanRights. Writes slowly on the politics of human rights. Posts slower.

London • Cambridge • Pretoria • Geneva
Mrs Schwarzski
Mrs Schwarzski
Chemophobes to the left of me, Creationists to the right and here I am. Stuck in the middle, with Science.
Gabe Graziani
Gabe Graziani
I'm Gabe Graziani, a Senior Lead of Global Community at EA Games. Opinions = mine, he/him
Bennett Gilbert
Bennett Gilbert
I am a philosopher of history and ethics, at Portland State University.
I post here mostly on politics, history, and philosophy; and things I enjoy because they are important, beautiful, interesting, fun, or dear.
John Dellaporta
John Dellaporta
Actor, nerd, played Brent Musburger on HBO’s “Winning Time”!
James Medlock
James Medlock
Tax enthusiast. Hyperinflation doubter. Soc dem in the streets, market socialist in the sheets. Come for the welfare policy, stay for the cat pics. 🧦🏗️
Matthew Downhour
Matthew Downhour
Liberal, Montanan. Subscribe to Paine-Wollstonecraft-Douglass-George thought, Bolivar-Juarez-Nkomo-Zelenskyy praxis
Andi Fugard
Andi Fugard
(They/them.) Co-director of social policy and programme evaluation at the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in London, UK.

Personal account – views mine.

Ethan “κακοθερής” Harfenist
Ethan “κακοθερής” Harfenist
NY-based editor/fact-checker/reporter

I’ve done work for the SPLC, LA Times, CJR, VICE News, Quartz, NowThis, Bl👀mberg, Mongabay, DNAinfo, NY P😣st, Phnom Penh Post, The Diplomat, BOMB Magazine, more

Matthew R Francis
Matthew R Francis
Science writer, journalist, physicist, queer, cat man, hat man. I was @DrMRFrancis on Twitter. Pfp by He/him
Signal: BowlerHatScience.51
J.M. Berger
J.M. Berger
Senior Research Fellow,


► EXTREMISM @mitpress
► OPTIMAL: A novel

Commission paid on Amazon links

Opinions my own, etc.
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
Christopher McKnight Nichols
Christopher McKnight Nichols
Historian, Hayes Chair @OhioState Mershon Ctr Carnegie Fellow 6 Books: Ideology in US Foreign Relations, Rethinking American Grand Strategy, Promise & Peril. Isolationism, Internationalism, Globalization. ⚾️
Jess Nevins
Jess Nevins
Encyclopedist, college librarian, writer. Talks about Mesopotamia & Vikings a lot. Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
Angus Johnston
Angus Johnston
CUNY history prof. @studentactivism from Twitter.
Branden McEuen
Branden McEuen
Historian of science, focusing on genetics and eugenics in progressive era United States. Teaches Michigan, US, and World History at Wayne State University.


Kriszta Satori
Kriszta Satori
BBC journo, watches opp in Russia, FSU, E.Europe, Syria. No bbc spox, views own, some humour 😩 migrant. Oversharing news. Also on mastodon: @[email protected] before @fulelo on twi
Currently working on #TheGlobalJigsaw
H.G.W. Davie
H.G.W. Davie
Visiting Research Fellow East Centre UEA - writes about Transport & Logistics: The Rear of the Red Army, Railways, Horse-drawn Transport #RedArmy
Chris Woodard
Chris Woodard
Philosopher, University of Nottingham
Andrew Reeves
Andrew Reeves
I'm a history professor at Middle Georgia State University. I hold a PhD in medieval studies and post entirely too much about my cats and hobbies.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
British liberal. Apparently technically a "Bluesky Elder", according to that one labeller.

Peter Clines
Peter Clines
NYT bestselling maker-upper of things. Still making things up. Still getting paid for it. No, it doesn't make sense to me, either. he/him
Thom Beckett
Thom Beckett
Former human.
Alan Fisher
Alan Fisher
Attorney, gamer (computer, RPG, tabletop), GM, husband, father, occasional author. Hatch Act restricted, so don't expect much politics.