Ali C

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Ali C

Security culture and education geek.
Human <--> techie translator. Left leaning lib snowflake type. She/her. Views are mine, you can't have them. 🏳️‍🌈
It's a measure of how fucked up The Discourse is that when I heard about last night my first thought was "but did he stage it" 😵‍💫 (Of course I don't think that, it was reflexive)
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Amazon Prime Days July 16-17
First person to make this I to a comic strip gets all the props
I’ve sold AI to Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, and by gum it put them on the map.
I did a webinar just yesterday where this was my central point.
Overcoming the incentive to dunk on “users” behavior is an important element in maturing your security understanding. You have a set of levers to pull. Human nature is not one of them. Deal with that or be a righteous failure.
Reposted byAvatar Ali C
If you still have a Twitter account and are still prioritizing it over other social media accounts, please consider stopping doing that.
This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
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Reposted byAvatar Ali C
The UK shows us that a broad coalition can hold their noses and vote for a guy with serious issues to help right things... with the understanding that they can be pressured on major issues. This is the way.
Reposted byAvatar Ali C
Right, the work starts now. If you care about LGBTQIA+ rights, in particular trans rights, disabled people, refugees and immigrants, any minority and vulnerable groups, write your (new) MP and let them know you want a government that represents you and your belief that *all human rights are equal*.
Reposted byAvatar Ali C
Holy God. Show this to the young people in your life next time when they say their vote doesn't count 😲
15 votes!
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George Galloway *losing* his seat in an election where a bunch of single-issue pro-Palestine Independents were elected is really, really funny
There's scarcely a more objectionable commentator pairing on telly than domestic abuser Kygrios and smug arsehole Andrew Castle. YUCK.
Reposted byAvatar Ali C
Complete third eye vision: Irene Adler explaining the tenets of polyamory to Sherlock Holmes who puffs on his pipe and says it is logical coherent, evolutionary sound and socially verified among many cultures of the world. Watson is sputtering and aghast.
I went to look at the Bad Place. The top trend was 'Rigged'. I came back here.
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Absolutely this. Boilerplate campaign letters just go into sacks and are counted by weight
This is where I have a small, boring bit of advice, from my time managing a customer contact centre for a central government department: write letters to your MP asking them to raise issues with secretaries of state; make the letters unique, not copy-and-paste campaigns; be direct, not cranky.
How I know AI is still rubbish
This made me realise that I've been moderating online forums for almost 30 years. It is also 100% accurate.
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
Just had an exit interview. Always cathartic (but constructive).
Whenever I see the word Female written down like this, I hear it in the voice of a Ferengi from Star Trek. Creeeeepy
I have so many questions. Like how do you wear out a cotton t-shirt? Why announce your sex on a t-shirt? Why is it based on a coke slogan? Why is she like this?
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G lorified P redictive T ext
I visited Rapa Nui some years ago. Some of the locals were positively indignant about the "mystery" nonsense from Western archaeologists and rightly so. It remains one of my favourite places in the world.
I find that I'm super chuffed I had zero idea what this was referring to. Nasty jumped up columnist bleating, no doubt.
Oh god, not *another* thing about Savile.
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sorry but if you want to damage stonehenge you can damn well spend £1.7bn building a tunnel underneath it like everybody else* *the government
Just got my last payslip. From next month, diving headlong back into the world of consulting and freelance. Am exhilarated and terrified.
*chef's kiss*
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
The airport tannoy at Malta International Airport is the LOUDEST I have ever encountered. Makes me jump every time it booms. And I mean BOOMS. In other news, I'm home later on.
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Reposted byAvatar Ali C
Feel bad after getting your COVID vaccine? You're generating a kick-ass immune response.
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RASPUTIN: (looking at photo of Russell Brand) Uhhh. Anyone else get a creepy feeling from this guy
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Every time I start feeling sorry for Sunak I just remember he deliberately ruined tens of thousands of asylum seekers lives to try a meet a stupid target no one cared about and then I snap out of it.