
We make jokes about how dystopia is a lot more boring in reality than all the books we had to read in high school made it out to be. I think what we're forgetting is that the part we're in now - where the characters might have stopped it & didn't - is the backstory of these books, not the story.
Many of us will be too busy dying to be entertained by the exciting bits of the actual dystopia.
It really is scary/concerning how many people seem complacent watching injustices being committed to their neighbors just so long as said injustices don’t inconvenience them personally.
Too many see the world as Them vs. Me. In reality, it is only We. It has always been Us, together. The sooner humankind acts like we all have skin in the game for long term survival and thriving, the better our chances of warding off the worst dystopia.
It's 2024 and I continue to think of Howard Beale's speech in The Network (1976).
I think of it from the environmental point of view. Greedy idiots poisoning humans/the planet and greedily consuming OUR resources in pursuit of money that they don’t need and means nothing when things go sideways. Boggles the mind.
That’s capitalism and the capitalist mindset for you though. Anything goes in the pursuit of money. Things like morality, empathy, and concern for society and the environment get thrown right out the window in favor of making a quick profit.
Just waiting for my call to adventure, where a clear an obvious plan is presented that I can royally screw up in new and exciting ways never before envisioned in the history of the world.
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In 1984, it is actually commented on that the downtrodden citizens living in the dystopia actually suffer from boredom a lot, isn’t it?
right, the actual hunger games are still on the horizon—but closer!
ah, an opportunity for me to once again recommend people read In The Garden of Beasts.
I was just thinking about that book (again) today.
I loaned my copy to my dad a few years ago (along with Blitzed, another great one) and alas, they have disappeared. Need to hit up the library Kindle queue and read it again.
So it’s gonna get interesting soon?
No. My point is that dystopia is not like the books. It's just a slow-moving car crash of increasingly boring, stupid calamities snowballing downhill while everyone stands and stupidly watches it instead of getting out of the way.
The future is already here. Just not evenly distributed. (That used to be a hopeful quote, once)
It's still operational, but generally discounted. I have access to a significant cluster of future; nobody WANTS it...
every time i see video of extreme weather events, i pretend it is b-roll for the future dystopia that will inevitably play out.
If you want an entertaining dystopia watch russian tv, these levels of insanity are rare
The optimist's take would be that we're ALSO in the backstory of Scientific and Social advance; outcomes depend on WHICH path is chosen. Imagine knowing what Kepler knew (and where it has taken us, Socially & Scientifically) - but knowing it in the year 1500. Aero faces that choice right now...
I don't know about the books I was forced to read, but all of the cyberpunk novels I was reading for leisure sure feel pretty on point! 👀 ... and oh my god what I would give to be bored with the world right now!
My favorite apocalypse story may be Random Acts of Senseless Violence, which is narrated by a a young girl for whom everything that happens is just how the world is. We see change happening, but for most of it she doesn't have a sense that it could happen any other way.
The bystander effect meets stockholm syndrome.
Naw, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, despotism, etc, are easy peasy for everyone but uppity people who try to fight the power. J6 rioters, for example, or women who want to drive cars in Saudi or be Queer in Palestine or who generally refuses to comply or capitulate (ie protestors and activists).
That's why I'm so excited
Yeah. If project 2025 comes to pass, it’s gonna get the bad kind of exciting real fast.
The story is about the one person who beat the system*, not the thousands who got crushed by it. * 1984 excepted.
I'm unsure if I'm supposed to envy everyone who thinks so because apparently they enjoyed the books they had to read in school A LOT more than I did.
We are in the first act of the disaster movie