Alissa Grosso

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Alissa Grosso

I write books and dabble in artsy stuff. She/Her More about me at
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It's my job to buy books for my local library. One thing I wish more people knew is that we are very open to suggestions for new titles. I buy 90% of books that people suggest. Please, let your library know the kinds of things you want to read. It's helpful!
In this week's edition of my free newsletter I'm playing with paint and I announce the winner of my t-shirt giveaway
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DC/Maryland/Delaware pals, can you help? My heart is shattering for this sweet pup.
The barrage of Prime Day emails is overwhelming, but I do appreciate that every online retailer is having a Prime Day sale thus undercutting Amazon’s big event.
Sending a little beauty your way!
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Free idea for a Dem ad: a series of brief somber interviews with people who worked with classified documents explaining what the consequences would be for the most minor infraction. Then just show these photos
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Our patio is like a nature documentary.
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This is partly why I am putting on screenings of my new film, so I can eat and keep a roof over my head. If you’re in Dublin, come along, or share the post below?
I'm doing a screening of All You Need Is Death in Dublin Tuesday 23 July at the Circular, details in the alt text. Win a signed framed A3 poster for the movie (only one I own!) and stay for the post-screening chat with as it will be epic. €10 entry! Scan the QR code to pay!
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Hey folks. This guy <-- gave these two --> a respiratory infection. I was in Tufts emergency with with Coal and I'm bringing ALL THREE to the vet today. Two of them are insured but I need to front the cash and that's my grocery money. ... care for any jewelry?
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Fellow creatives, if you are sick of Adobe or were just considering giving Affinity a try they have a 6 month free trial going now. I use Affinity Designer all the time and Affinity Photo pretty regularly too. They're giving me zero dollars to say this. Link:
Affinity Free Trial | Now Six Months, No Subscription-free photo editing, page layout, graphic design and illustration apps for professionals. Try for free or buy for one low payment.
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The local grocery store has a display case of illustrated knives, which is weird enough, but I’m really confused about who the market is for the Peace and Love hippie themed knife in the center.
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Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
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Biden is not owed good press by a long shot. But the amount of coverage his age is receiving relative to that of Trump's very real past and promised future actions strikes me as one of the greatest media mis-prioritizations since the run-up to the Iraq War.
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It's always a highlight of my day when I get to see a Least Bittern. These birds are uncommon here and hard to find in the wetlands. This male is making a short flight, flying low over the lily pads and knocking down the morning dew from a cattail.
The trash can in front of Ross was overflowing and I caught this guy taking a break from his feast to watch the traffic go by.
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A great alternative to fireworks is asking your local ghosts to put on a phantasmagorical show with bursts of scintillating ectoplasm.
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The single greatest threat to sharks, by far, so much that there’s not really a number 2 threat, is unsustainable overfishing. The single most effective thing folks can do to help is don’t buy unsustainable seafood. Notice I didn’t say give up all seafood. Sustainable seafood is great.
What is something a common ordinary person can do to help shark conservation? Any things to avoid buying, or any places to donate to that are good places? I'm landlocked so actually being on the coast doesn't help. :(
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When folks argue that a Universal Basic Income would deter working, think about those million-dollar CEOs. If a modest $15k is enough to make one quit working, wouldn’t multi-million dollar packages make CEOs practically comatose? Yet, here they are, still CEOing. Weird isn't it?
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This made me laugh (again) 🥬
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Hey, advance planners (I got you!)--if you're in the #wilkesbarre area, check out my signing event at the local Barnes & Noble (essentially my hometown bookstore since I grew up in rural PA) in August! Come hang out with me for a little bit... I'll have swag, & who doesn't like swag? #pennsylvania
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Today's the day: my cozy YA horrormance novel is officially out! If you like fun horror, maybe give it a go--it's available in hardcover, audiobook, and digital (and a large print paperback, but I'm not a fan of this edition) wherever & everywhere. Woohoo! #Books #Philadelphia #Horror #YAlit
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My favorite joke is something like this lonely guy goes to buy a pet and at the shop ends up with this centipede in a tiny house that the clerk tells him can talk. He goes home and waits for it to speak, gets bored waiting, taps the house, says "Centipede, you wanna go out for a drink?"