Alvaro Ibañez

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Alvaro Ibañez

Help me chisel away at the things I belive now that aren't true

He/him. Both to normalize having pronouns in bio and because bigots get really triggered by it
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
People who don't know the difference between etymology and entomology bug me in ways that I can't put into words.
Avatar did you see that a certain Minnesota Lolyer was driving around in a vanity license plate that was a homage to you?
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Sex is great but have you ever watched an absolute sleezeball shitheel of a human being who has previously escaped punishment get rightfully convicted on 34 felony counts?
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Anyway good luck to jurors, the judge, court staff, and prosecutors, and all their families, with not getting murdered, and thanks to FedSoc types for bringing us to the brink of fascism so you could weaken Chevron deference
Anyway the most recent former President of the United States has been found guilty of felonies and now there’s a substantial chance people are going to die because his followers are freaks and the so-called “mainstream” GOP will just shrug and blame woke or something.
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
And the foreman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said to me "sir, you are so guilty, I have never seen someone so guilty in my life"
I did not know that was now ambassador to the UK
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Bill introduced for State of Florida to pay $5 million in Trump's legal fees
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I noticed how easily it was for them to get through the entire article without mentioning the perpetrator's religion or where he was radicalized.
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Did you know I’m still looking for work? It’s true! And you can hire me today!
Are you a writer or editor that needs an artist for their comics? Want someone who has a style you won’t see anywhere else on the shelf? Work is drying up for me, and I’d love to be able to feed my fat cat, so, if you’re looking for an artist, maybe check my portfolio out?
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Hi, criminal expert here, this is not cute or funny! Criminals only do this when they're VERY STRESSED!
Trump, during a court break today, on Judge Engoron: "This is a judge that should be disbarred. This is a judge that should be out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged criminally for what he's doing. He’s interfering with an election."
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
chaya raichik is a terrorist and we should all get comfortable saying so
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
reskeet if you love big titties or if you believe the earth is an oblate spheroid
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
"Eat the rich": -gross -kinda weird -don't know where they’ve been "Use the rich as fertilizer": -good for the environment -still menacing -everyone loves wood chippers
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One thing that needs to get through to the general public is that creative work is WORK. Creators don't just upend the Magic Pail and have art / writing / music / etc spew out. There's sweat involved. There's countless hours. And creators need to be paid. Also, fuck AI.
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
My spouse has a similar story. Willingham told Steph, "Bisexuals don't exist." DC deserves to be knocked down a big for fucking over creators but I ain't on board the Willingham praise train. He's a piece of shit.
within 10 seconds of meeting that dude, I instantly regretted ever wanting to.
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
“Do you really want to live in a world where if you commit crimes you can suffer consequences like some kind of dark-skinned person” is more or less the GOP’s “shining city on a hill” now
Tony Buzbee (defense attorney for Ken Paxton: "If this can happen to him, it can happen to anyone." (?)
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Not only is it a good day for you to reshare it, it feels like a great day for an update. Trumpy went down to Georgia, he was looking for an election to steal He was in a bind because he was way behind, couldn't be saved by the Art of the Deal
seems like as good a day as any to reshare this:
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
"ChatGPT gives the indisputable facts" As opposed to law, where ChatGPT just makes up cases that are indisputable fakes
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Thomas Jefferson was the archetypal libertarian: 1. Inherited all his wealth 2. Advocated for freedom while owning slaves 3. Sexual predator who preyed on a teenager 4. Didn't understand Greek or roman history 5. We have to take his ideas seriously despite them being mid at best.
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Sometimes, things are just better off without context (with apologies to )
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Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
I need some people to follow! Looking for humor, cutes, and anything none Twitter cesspool related. *browsing cute animals and memes*
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Saw Barbie this morning and it made me tear-up MULTIPLE TIMES. And also laugh, but the TEARS. And the EXISTENTIAL CRISIS. And being SEEN as a woman. 💕💞💗💝💘💖😭😭😭
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Fellas, take it from the guy who had the honor of playing the friendzone’s most iconic denizen: if you’ve spent your life thinking women are exotic creatures who’ll never understand, empathize or truly be your friend, you are tragically missing out.
the myth of the friendzone still perpetuates and because of that, men miss out on the actual value that comes from being good friends with the opposite sex. There’s so much insight to be had from seeing the world from the opposite of your perspective and most young men don’t see obvious value
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Reskeet of you think we all should be bold and courageous in the fight for trans rights
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Chapos are just Moms for Liberty but drives a Prius instead of a minivan.
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There’s a whole subculture of “I am an ideologically compliant leftist and therefore it is perfectly acceptable for me to be a huge sex pest creeper” out there and they have fans
Reposted byAvatar Alvaro Ibañez
Whatever the opposite of FOMO is, I feel that about Threads