
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
This Emad after 3 times blocked from Blusky why because I'm Palestinian and looking for the safety for my family

Please support me and my family I feel like I lost the hope😔😞 I only have you now

Thank you for understanding
Ammonium Azide
Ammonium Azide
Official bluesky account for the toxic and explosive (but insensitive) salt formed by combining Ammonia and Hydrazoic Acid.

Posts by Josh, he/him 🏳️‍🌈
Lurk du Soleil
Lurk du Soleil
Lurk and (complimentary/complementary) replies account.

Median Bluesky man focused on law, progressive politics, Ukraine, and 90’s nostalgia.

Writer. Former attorney.
El Desafío de las Águilas - Where Eagles Dare
El Desafío de las Águilas - Where Eagles Dare
Wargamer - reseña de wargames, entrevista a diseñadores, historia bélica. // Wargame review, designer interviews, military history.
Montanan in exile. Philosopher Queen. Diva. Foodie. Shoes. Not my first rodeo.
Learning, charitible discussion, interesting ideas. No BS. Every day is Ethics Day! Chair in Military Ethics. Books #OnObedience #RethinkingMilitaryHonor #Broicism
My views.
Thomas Neville
Thomas Neville
Lawyer. Gamer. Dad. He/Him/His. Grammarchist.

My job is cooler than yours.


Signal: Goobermunch.01
Comics, Music, Y2K Survivor, He/Him

I drive a truck so you don’t have to
Stay Spicy, kids ♾️
Stay Spicy, kids ♾️
#actuallyautistic Late-diagnosed, still sorting that part out. Software professional, dad, serial-interest-haver

Current special interests: competitive cycling, cooking fancy, learning the history we weren't taught, unpacking my own neurodiversity
Classy Warfare
Classy Warfare
Occasional Army guy; US security adviser to Atropia; a humble dingus; he/him
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Ethan Jacobs 🇺🇦
Ethan Jacobs 🇺🇦
Lawyer (copyright, trademark, and commercial disputes). Bandit Heeler disciple. Donut addict. He / him.
San Francisco ∙
Dr. Rob Thompson 🇺🇦
Dr. Rob Thompson 🇺🇦
Bluesky’s resident Vietnam War historian. Army University Press historian and documentary maker. Author of _Clear, Hold, and Destroy_—a book about pacification in Phú Yên. All views my own.

Слава Україні!

Phillip Moyer
Phillip Moyer
I contractually can’t say what I do for a living which is dumb because it’s not even interesting. I also write. But not, like… well.
Θεόδωρος Μπαχουμάς Εφηβικά Γκράφιτι
Θεόδωρος Μπαχουμάς Εφηβικά Γκράφιτι
Τα εφηβικά μου γκράφιτι φτιάχτηκαν από μένα Θεόδωρος Μπαχουμάς
K Tabes
K Tabes
“My biggest fear right now is that I'll wake up and this conversation won't be a dream.”
Neal Parikh
Neal Parikh
Teaching AI policy at Columbia. Previously Director of AI for NYC. PhD from Stanford AI Lab.
Noticias De Primera
Noticias De Primera
Sitio web está situado a darte contenido relevante de noticias y entretenimiento…
Alex von Tunzelmann
Alex von Tunzelmann
Historian, screenwriter, broadcaster. She/her. Latest book, FALLEN IDOLS, shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2022. HISTORY’S SECRET HEROES on BBC Radio 4. PAPER CUTS wherever you get podcasts. Be excellent to each other and party on.
🦖 mash 🍉 (they/them) £298.87/405 🍃 meds
🦖 mash 🍉 (they/them) £298.87/405 🍃 meds
UK🤮• 24 • sociology grad ☭ auDHD • #longcovid😷 PCOS • fibro •hEDS 🏳️‍⚧️ queer • stoner 🍃 abolitionist • 1312 • 🖖

the most annoying person on ur feed, probably

Free Palestine 🇵🇸 BLM. MDNI🔞
Public Universal Fiend
Public Universal Fiend
Public Universal Fiend, Reply Guy Local #666-420 on twitter. Proud Duşakabinoğu failson and supporter of a Denver el.
Dennis Duncan
Dennis Duncan
Associate Prof @UCL | FRHistS | INDEX, A HISTORY OF THE | LRB, TLS, WaPo, Guardian | Book history, Oulipo, translation | Rep: @AEEWebber @UnitedAgents
here to complain about the nonsense of tech jobs, talk about RPGs, and contribute to the Art of Shitposting
Matt Ferrel 🍦
Matt Ferrel 🍦
Political news junkie. Blocks doomers on sight. No patience for far left who blame Dems instead of GOP for our problems.
J. D.
J. D.
J.D. et cetera. Chicago/ish. The court-going kind of lawyer.

Don't blame me for the famous elder millennials. I've thought they sucked since grade school.
artist, art therapist, counselor
Joshua Lenon
Joshua Lenon
#Legaltech hype man and Lawyer in Residence at Clio. I see the future of the legal system and want to ensure lawyers' are a part of it.
National Security Counselors 🕵
National Security Counselors 🕵
Public interest law firm for natsec & info/privacy law. kel at nationalsecuritylaw dot org. Primary poster is he/him/his. Charitable tax-exempt donations always welcome at
Spoonie. Cat lady. Living in Detroit but left my heart in Buffalo 💙. Lawyer. Legal editor. (she/her)

I lost my place but I can’t stop this story 🎶
Mike Stucka
Mike Stucka
Dad. Doofus. Data dork. Now Florida Man.
Coffee tastes absolutely horrible.
Liberal mother, pharmacist, postcard writer, and Wisconsin sports fan. (her/she)
Americans live in a system of government that only works if people vote.
Psychologist, Gardener, Museum patron, Gym rat.
I enjoy a laugh. I'll follow you.
Shaenon K. Garrity
Shaenon K. Garrity
Cartoonist and skiffy writer. 2022 Inkpot winner. Narbonic, Skin Horse, Willowweep Manor. Repped by Molly Ker Hawn.
Jess 💙🗳️ 🌊
Jess 💙🗳️ 🌊
#BidenHarris Social Media Ambassador 🍦🇺🇸 🕶️
(Still learning BlueSky.)
*Thanks for sharing and liking!*
Warning: ⛔️ debate free zone
Caution: ⚠️ I 💙 to give and get gif replies.