
I think it was who said that the entire country is a "red state" as long as this particular SCOTUS is empaneled and if we could get coastal libs and blue-staters to internalize that reality we would all be a lot fucking better off
Yeah, this is often the way Black people in the South point out the racial segregation in housing and schools in the North, but also when it comes to policing and and incarceration it’s very red all over.
I was shocked when in a museum in Chicago to just see the segregation on a historic city map. Just right there. 20th century. (I think by ethnicity eg Polish, as well as by skin colour.)
I’m sure that was true at some point, but not for the Polish population post 1970s.
I’m struggling to recall the date. It’s a while since my museum visit. It was shocking in that I knew northern cities were segregated but to see it written on a city map by officials, with no shame or embarrassment, not even a “well, this seems to have happened” but “they get x, they get y area”
I recommend Ta-Nehisi Coates's The Case for Reparations regarding redlining in Chicago. It's excellent.
I also think a lot about how our access to healthcare can be limited more by our proximity to non-catholic healthcare systems than the laws of our respective states. SCOTUS sanctioning private actors flouting civil rights laws can do a lot of damage in blue states.
As a Mississippian I made this map back in 2016 or so and keep it handy for posting reasons.
I'm in Illinois and I already recognize this reality.
please spread the (bad) word!!!
I do it every day. I tell people that if Donald gets back into the WH the MAGA terrorist Christofascist GOP will foist this country back to 1850.
Yep. You've got a front row seat to the horror show I'm living through across the river in Missouri.
I'm in Iowa. I remember when I lived in a swing state. It wasn't very long ago. Then the IDP decided they only exist to host caucuses every 4 years and, welp. Here we are.
Seems as if certain privileged groups whose wealth protects them from mundane political realities, are content their state’s civil rights are not under attack .. atm.
They read the NYTimes (mainly Opinion) and pat themselves on the back for being more "rational" (so data-driven and concerned about the economy). As long as the status quo wrt finances is preserved for them, they're AOK with others' rights rolling back.
Yeah that’s totally want more like. Not just people who are actually following what their therapy says. Which is to only focus on what we can control and to not blame ourselves or things that we didn’t do and cannot control. I know they don’t include Florida in coastal Libs.
Trump appointed three Leonard Leo Justices empowering Alito and Thomas (never mind the rest of the Fed Judiciary!… Cannon comes to mind). This may have been the worst of the legacy of the 2016 election and the Never Hillary movement. It. can. happen. again. if ppl don’t look beyond their noses.
50 states. 100 SCOTUS judges. Seems fair. Constitutional issues are more important than ever. 12 judges seems too few.
Not sure some of us havent internalized it. We cant get rid of this SCOTUS with just blue states. Red states will need to elect Democratic Senators. We can just hold our Senators accountable and to stay vigilant. And to argue for structural changes ( no lifetime appointments).
Not sure what they want us to do when we on the west coast have all 6 of our senators blue. I flipped my house district blue in 2022. I did my job.
Right there with you. I live in Seattle. There is absolutely nothing more I can do to elect Democrats. We need a blue Senate? I’m doing my part dot gif.
As a fellow Seattlite, if all you're doing is voting in Washington Senate races you are not doing your part dot gif. There's so much more we need to be doing on the ground here. If that's all you have capacity for then that's fine! Please do what you can. But there's more that can be done.
I’m in Vancouver Washington…. I know you talking to the Seattle person but hey I exist and voting matters. Keep Seattle safe.
Voting matters but it's not all we can do. There's a world of civic engagement beyond voting. I think we should all vote. And I think people who have capacity to do even a little more, should. Nationally, we're not in a great place. We all gotta get in there and help each other.
Please see skeet 2 layers up talking about the Senate, which makes a response skeet about the Senate contextual.
I don’t think it’s ok to put this on “coastal Libs” if you are talking about the west coast and not Florida.
I tend to think of us as organs in a body with a bad heart- when it goes, none of us is getting far alone
I feel like maybe we are finally close to getting it here in CA. I mean none of my dollars are going to Adam or Katie. They're fine.
Tell the people who say they aren’t voting.
If America votes by land, it’s mostly red, but votes are cast by people. It’s just that Demos Live In big cities, & Repos live in rural America
What do you mean by “internalize that reality”? What’s that translate into given I can’t see into the souls of every coastal lib & blue stater?