
apart from everything else, what I don't understand is: if i were as rich as JT the number one first thing i would spend my money on is somebody to drive my ass around 24/7, drunk or not, like figuring out how to get places is the fuckin worst, this is just an incredible unforced error
‘Dumbass’ Justin Timberlake ignored warning minutes before After being warned not to drive, Timberlake was stopped a second time after allegedly blowing a stop sign before swerving his BMW SUV into the left lane.
and i say this as someone who gets so carsick i almost cannot even ride in a car, like sometimes i get carsick DRIVING my car
just throwing this out there but my lifetime car sickness went away with a diagnosis and then special glasses for my binocular vision dysfunction
IIRC Howard Stern paid his f/t driver like $50k a year.
I would have so much staff. Just pay people who are better than me at the stuff I hate doing.
Right Chef, maid, driver, cat box scooper
Personal goddamn assistant. Someone to have phone conversations for me.
Snap, just posted that.
I have a lot of experience as a cat box scooper. Different types of boxes, different types of litter. Not to brag, but my litter scooping resume is impressive as hell.
Replace cat box scooper with PA to manage the calendar for my ADHD arse and pretty much that.
Which is way underpaid for having to put up with Howard Stern.
Yeah hiring tons of people - feels weirdly like one of the less gross things you can do with excess wealth in a way? Had a friend whose family had a pretty sudden massive windfall; they spent more on hiring people (gardener, housekeeper, tutors, personal trainer, maintenance) than on "stuff".
If you pay them decently, you are creating decent jobs and putting money into the local economy!
Stern doesn’t even drink
Yeah or do anything nefarious, so when you're like that having a driver is safe they can't rat out anything.
I think if I made a stupid amount of money like Stern or JT I'd pay them more than that just to keep their mouth shut lol
shit, I'd be hauled around in a chariot driven by someone in a centurion outfit behind a team of miniature donkeys
I would definitely hire a driver before I hired a chef.
driver, chef, masseuse -- in that order 🤣
Dude got a warning for something I didn't think people typically got warnings for... and kept doing it... and his friends are calling the cop overzealous for "hassling" him? A second chance not to get a DWI is like the golden unicorn of all white privilege and these entitled assholes feel put out
Rich people just seem to... not do that anymore. It's my dream. I like cars, but I despise driving.
i LOVE driving but i would give it up in a heartbeat for the ease of getting dropped off at the door everywhere I go and picked up on demand!!
Falling asleep, or getting into a book, or whatever... and coming out of that somewhere else is basically magic. If you had the money, wouldn't you want magic?
I mean, about as close as you’re going to get to teleporting
I thought rich people all got to use fancy cars on private racetracks.
I dislike driving and looking for parking in an unfamiliar place makes me very anxious. If I were to win big lottery money the very first thing I do wouldn't be to buy an expensive car, it would be to get rid of the car I do have.
I'd keep mine, and fix up the classic truck I have, but no--buying an expensive one isn't in my fantasies. I won't hire someone to drive me to Safeway a mile and a half away, but other, longer trips around town? Sure.
I don't mind driving... but still, with that kind of money, and living that kind of life, just get some professionals in?
I’d pay someone to bring stuff TO me - if I’m Hamptons rich, I’m not leaving the beach except for bed/bathrooms.
this was my exact reaction when chris pine got his dui in new zealand, like how do these people not have hired drivers?! how is this happening!? it's so grossly irresponsible bc they have no excuse
100% I’d buy like 5 fancy cars and hire a Jason Stratham looking dude to drive me everywhere in them.
Bro can afford surge pricing what is he doing without uber installed on his phone
Yeah, I kinda thought most of these mega-wealthy celebrities had full-time drivers and just occasionally go for joyrides on a whim.
Right?! If I had that kind of money, I would never, ever, EVER drive a vehicle again.
Can't believe the cop pulled him over, found he was drunk and gave him a "warning" not to drive and let him go the first time 🙄 fucking guy 🍅🍅🍅
'“Before cell phones and cameras were everywhere, bartenders in the village would call 911 and report a fire or an accident miles and miles away, just so their customers could drive home,” another local law enforcement source said.' like I don't ever wanna cape for the cops but fuck those bartenders
I had the exact same thought!!
If I were that rich I would never touch a steering wheel.
That's why driving is so important to them. Because of that very reason. He has spent his entire life being escorted everywhere. Never alone nor allowed to do things for themselves. So when they get a chance to, they take it. I used to cook for a lot of musicians, and I heard that often.
Drunk driving is a pretty crappy way to assert your personal agency 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sadly that's not what/how drunk folks think.
Did I post it was a correct choice, or did I just post an answer to a question you posed? Where did I make any judgments about it either way? I posted nothing about him. I posted about why celebrities would want to drive themselves instead of taking an Uber. Go back to Twitter.
I mean I do get it though I don't want somebody constantly chauffeuring me and being in my business, but that is no excuse for drinking and driving if that's what he was doing. Hell I'll even take an Uber, wait a minute nah probably if I was famous it wouldn't be to take an Uber...
You could have a camper and ride in the top over the cab!