
To fail to note that Trump has expressly advocated for criminalizing abortion and mere weeks ago told a group that seeks the death penalty for abortion that it would "make a comeback" under a second Trump Admin makes me wonder if you do, in fact, understand the "stakes."
Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
I'm a broken record on this, but it's journalistic malpractice to credulously report that Trump wants to "leave abortion to the states" as if that means average voters will get a say in abortion policy. Everywhere abortion is on the ballot, the GOP is trying to block the vote.
And even if we take Trump at his word that he wants to "leave abortion to the states," the takeaway from that is that he's as happy with Texas's abortion law as he is with Oregon's. Plain evidence suggests he likes Texas's abortion law a lot better!
Trump tells extreme anti-abortion group it would make a 'comeback' if he's Trump's speech to the Danbury Institute shows how he's catering to zealots even as he tries not to alienate moderate voters during an election year.
I'll grant you that Trump absolutely sees abortion policy as a political transaction, but I do not understand why a New York Times reporter would think their readers do not deserve to know that Donald Trump has repeatedly and publicly supported criminalizing people who have abortions.
Even if you write off "there must be some punishment" as irrelevant because it's somehow Trump's personal belief and irrelevant to policy, the man literally told the Danbury Institute, which wants abortion prosecuted as homicide, it would "make a comeback" if he's president. This was two weeks ago.
What MSM is refusing to report is Trump's own contradictions and dog whistles. ....And obvious dementia.
“leaving it up to the states” is such obvious BS - if you think abortion is wrong (I don’t), that wrongness doesn’t change just because of an arbitrary state border
also Republican-governed states have *already* been trying to come up with schemes to punish people for what they do in other states, so part of 'leaving it to the states' is going to be letting Texas enact multistate policies b/c only R states get to be lawless empires
If people think I'm exaggerating here's the (PDF) text of a proposed bill in Missouri that despite as yet going nowhere it banned abortions in *any* state if it could be claimed that the fetus had Missouri ties, like, being conceived there.
Look, Al Swearingen is just leaving the fate of the bodies to Mr. Wu's pigs. What happens, happens.
You aren't a broken record. Journalism and our culture itself is the broken record. You're just observing reality.
He’s on the record multiple times saying he’s open to prosecuting women for getting an abortion.
I appreciate the feedback. We just added the phrase in asterisks here: "If elected again, he would allow states to restrict abortion as they see fit, including potentially by monitoring pregnancies *or criminally charging abortion patients.*"
We can now add “legitimizing feedback from the left” to your list of offenses (as perceived by NYT management).
I highly recommend Chris Hayes' podcast (Why is This Happening?) for a very informative series of discussions on what the historical record tells us about the policy implications of the upcoming presidential election.