Andrew Parker

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Andrew Parker

Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
Nothing like an election season to make “dude who writes at Gizmodo” into an expert on dementia. And one who should be world-renowned, even neurologists wouldn’t claim they can diagnose dementia without ever meeting or speaking to the patient.
There’s something almost poetic in writing “few people grapple with the convention rules” and immediately receiving a reply of “fuck the convention rules the ‘party’ can just decide how to pick someone now”.
Toby on a tummy on a Thursday.
Attempted timeline cleanse: Toby being very weird and choosing to lay in his carrier. We left it out after taking him for his dental appointment, and he’s taken to sleeping in it.
Okay, my favorite is definitely “you’d see the value in crypto as a way to transfer money if you think about the logistics of fleeing the Taliban.” Like I’m going to bribe a guard in Kabul with Dogecoin.
Sweetums, just because you’re embarrassed you didn’t know that the FDIC is a regulatory agency doesn’t mean you should pretend your “calibration” wasn’t specifically about international wire transfers.
This is one of the dumbest overstatements of the capacity of predictive text chatbots I’ve ever seen. Even if the first step worked (the chatbot accurately reports the existing stated opinions, which it won’t) the next two steps are abject bullshit.
Pollsters are simulating political surveys with AI because nobody answers the phone: "The big difference between humans and AI agents is that the AI agents always pick up the phone..."
Using AI for Political Polling – Ash
Yuki lays regally atop the squishmallow
Ever since Yuki’s resorption surgery (when we were so desperate to get her to eat I basically followed her with various kinds of food everywhere) she expects that when she lays on her towel that we let take up half the bathroom counter, I’ll also feed her. Which I, dutifully, do.
Yuki has a particular love for lying in contact with a person but not on bare skin. So even when it’s hot I feel compelled to pull the comforter on.
She turned around, I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve used the selfie function.
Aside from the fact that the tragedy of the anticommons is as much an argument for consolidated ownership as “make more stuff public”, it also applies where ownership is so atomized as to make use of the “commons” impossible, not to “can I own the shit I write and not have Same Altman jack it”.
Rarely do we get to witness someone so lacking in basic self-awareness that they’ll declare an intent to not be like people who judge based on vibes “under any fucking circumstances” right after inventing statistics based solely on his judgment of people based on vibes.
Earlier today Yuki went ham on a whole tube of Churu, so I’m now a lot less concerned about her being willing to eat. She then went back to curl up on my pillow so I had to stay up for a bit
Yuki is very sleepy after having dental surgery (apparently some cats’ bodies just straight up eat their teeth), but we finally got her to eat something. Side note: “resorption” sounds like someone was trying to write “reabsorption” and missed some letters.
The mentality that civilians deserve to be targeted for the actions of a government or military is itself the problem. “These civilians really *do* deserve it” is the same view justifying atrocities in Gaza because of 10/7.
Yuki is very sleepy after having dental surgery (apparently some cats’ bodies just straight up eat their teeth), but we finally got her to eat something. Side note: “resorption” sounds like someone was trying to write “reabsorption” and missed some letters.
Oh, I almost missed the accusation of libel! If you’re in the US here’s a quick reminder that opinion, including accusations of bigotry unless claimed to be supported by unstated facts, isn’t a factual statement (required for defamation). If you’re not, a quick reminder that the SPEECH Act exists
Honeybear, when you admit they ban all discussion of the topic you’ve already lost the argument. Trying to rewrite it to sound worse is just pathetic. I won’t even point out that the lack of a source for accusations like this is also not a great look.
Something about the exhortation to “fight for trader justice” makes me want to shake this person until his ridiculous sunglasses fall off.
this chap looks like an AI generated image of a trader fired for 'unauthorised' bets.
Simon rolled into this position, looked at me, and promptly fell asleep. If I move my leg his butt will fall off the recliner so now I’m stuck.
"ADHD medications are basically meth you're addicted to and you're only taking them because capitalism" At least so sayeth today's main character.
And here was the top-level post:
Simon has taken to sleeping on the lid of our couch’s drop table. I am torn between it being cute and being something on a hinge that probably can’t support his weight.
It’s wild to have a strong opinion about the use of the word “rent” to refer to taking a book from a library with its consent. But if you’re going to “loathe” it and correct it, the correct correction is of the student’s verb which would be corrected to “borrow”, not “loan”.
In much cuter news, Simon has decided to accept this arrangement
Call me a stickler, but I typically look for an apology in my “sincere apology” not just an explanation of what it “looks like”.
No points for guessing which of these two pictures is a dude whose conviction the Supreme Court overturned because "historically unprotected speech" must be subject to "a subjective mental-state requirement", and which one's civil case they allowed the Fifth Circuit to hold didn't require that.
I worry that the "this is worthless because it can't stop all emissions it can only reduce the amount" style of rhetoric is opening the door for "well ackshually the energy charging your pure EV came from greenhouse gas emitting sources too, so I guess we shouldn't do anything"
More for failing to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Because the Bakersfield city council can do what the UN can't.