Andrew Parker

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Andrew Parker

Formerly of the birdsite as Apark2453, but staking my claim to the full name!

Lawyer, overanalyzer of godawful subcultures, always up to dunk on some chuds.

If you’re into all of that too… I’m sorry, but welcome friend!
It’s certainly possible, it’s the uncertainty (combined with the complete lack of input from voters) that makes it “weapons grade bad idea”
Nothing like an election season to make “dude who writes at Gizmodo” into an expert on dementia. And one who should be world-renowned, even neurologists wouldn’t claim they can diagnose dementia without ever meeting or speaking to the patient.
And none of this “oh well it’s like calling Trump a narcissist” crap. “Narcissist” has a meaning in common parlance separate from its medical diagnosis. “Has dementia” does not, especially not when referring to people who have “seen dementia firsthand”.
Part of why trying to replace him at all is the worst path is that it leaves who he gets replaced with up to the 4,700 delegates at the convention all acting as free agents who can vote for anyone who submits their name to the convention chair in writing.
I’m a pretty stalwart democrat and even I would never say that I think “3,900 of the kind of person who went to their state convention and wanted to be a delegate to the national convention” should decide the nominee without voter input.
Even if there were an override based on “the presumptive nominee is incapable of campaigning” the threshold would be much closer to “dead” than “I don’t think he’s doing a very good job and doesn’t seem as dynamic as I’d like”.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because “if someone drops out their delegates are released and can vote for anyone but aren’t replaced or repledged” is something we’ve seen happen as recently as four years ago.
There is that process, it’s called the presidential primary, it wrapped up in March and state conventions picked delegates. I’m hoping you understand why the national committee doesn’t have the power to unseat those delegates or change who they’re pledged to vote for, right?
There’s something almost poetic in writing “few people grapple with the convention rules” and immediately receiving a reply of “fuck the convention rules the ‘party’ can just decide how to pick someone now”.
I want to ask this as politely as I can: Have you actually read the rules governing receiving the Democratic nomination? Who do you think wrote them, and what specific people do you think can change them?
Dear assholes who find this acceptable, Question your assumption that mobility issue = less mentally capable. One of the reasons people with MS refuse to use mobility aids is the embarrassment that stems from that assumption. Also get fucked.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
A walker is not a sign of cognitive decline. The fact that you think a walker “acknowledges” that is kind of the problem being pointed at.
But it does earn you my sympathy.
I’m struck by how few people even among self-styled experts refuse to grapple with the convention rules and how it would have to play out. Either we’re overriding the outcome of the primary votes and picking new delegates *somehow* or no one but the 4,700 delegates has any say in the new candidate.
“Biden was so bad you guys. And, sure, it wouldn’t be easy to repeat 1968 and somehow win but it’s Biden’s fault we’re *forced* to discuss it and our honesty demands we form a circular firing squad”
The fascinating part is that they're right that's the only way it would work (by "their delegates" they'd have to mean "already selected delegates who are now unpledged and can vote for anyone and will decide the nominee"), and somehow think it'd still be a good idea.
With how weaselly the language of "voters cannot participate but their delegates will" is, I think they're actually trying to acknowledge that this "orderly process" would be "existing pledged Biden delegates released to unpledged and are the only people whose decision matters"
This is the kind of *incredible* journalism I'm so glad to see from Don't retract the article where you let a right-wing monarchist straight up lie, don't issue a correction, or inform readers he's a far-right lunatic, just change the headline from present to future tense.
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
My dad was recently reading a biography of Buckley, I’ll have to ask if they mentioned the time he called on the government to forcibly tattoo undesirables.
But think about how hard it would be to ratfuck Biden as hard as they’ve decided they need to ratfuck Biden if they didn’t let people lie.
Thank god that at a time of serious news about the Supreme Court dismantling regulatory oversight and placing Trump above the law, much less the fascistic plans in the right’s Project 2025, we have WaPo giving us the story we need to hear: A politician uses a teleprompter and some don’t like that
The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But President Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
Biden’s omnipresent accessory, even in your living room: A The teleprompter is a common device for politicians. But Biden’s use of it even in small settings has prompted frustration by some listeners.
That’s the real hell of it, there’s no way to tag another candidate in that easily. For obvious reasons a candidate can’t transfer pledged delegates to someone else, only release them to be unpledged. At that point it’s a free-for-all at the convention.
“That’s my secret, cap, I pretend there are some sections of the paper not subject to journalistic standards”
Good to see keeping up its stellar record of letting the far-right use them to launder lies into circulation without even the barest oversight to ensure the dude writing “I don’t vote” does not, in fact, consistently vote All the news that’s fit to print, and some propaganda for flavor
Yes and no. The primaries are already over, ~3,900 of the ~4,700 delegates are pledged for Biden. If he drops out they're released to unpledged and can vote for anyone who submits a form to the DNC at least one day before the convention. It'd be a *shitshow* way worse than a primary.
The sentiment that Nicola Coughlan is hot “only if you believe that all bodies are beautiful” from a dude too ugly to have a profile pic of himself (and that’s a low bar, even I have one) is laughable.
Only if you believe that "all bodies are beautiful," or whatever the slogan of the month is.
It also extends to their supporters. Trump gets a huge amount of support for being “candidate whose victory pisses off people his voters hate”.
It’s also such a right-wing sentiment that justifies letting bad shit happen because my actions alone can’t fix them. “I can say with statistical certainty that my amount of energy use will not change global warming”
In this media environment? They’d scream how the nominee is unqualified, the Times would find some random Democrat to say “I think Harris knew it’d be hard to get anyone confirmed” and run a headline of “Congress says candidate unqualified, Harris knew they wouldn’t be confirmed”