
documentary filmmakers need to realize that some of their viewers will be at a certain age and would very much like it if they kept re-indentifying people from earlier scenes, like over and over
they could even use vh1 pop-up-video bubbles and meet us where we are
they should tag everyone with those little floaties the mystery shows use when ppl text
When I watch a documentary for work and I’m in a position to take notes, the thing I ALWAYS write down is who the talking heads are.
i am doing this right now, but in this case it's a documentary about the taliban so to my american eyes they all have a similar look (same beard, same hair color, etc) and it's making it tough!
One voice over guy doing the translation so they all sound the same
Should've made the Taliban wear name tags
As someone who works in docs I can say we talk and think about when to re-ID someone. For TV docs that were broadcast it was so much easier, re-ID after every ad break. With features and streaming series it’s definitely an issue.
i mean obviously i know why you can't do this, but honestly i'd be fine with it being every damn time someone is back on screen lol
I'm never great at recognising faces but if the talking head has a costume change?? I am LOST
Yeah I did a doc recently where we showed some interviews from the same people that happened years apart so we did re-ID them because of this because it is SO confusing
Thank you for your service!
I mean….we technically could lol!
We’d even be willing to give up the racist captions they put on when the person being interviewed is speaking English but in an accent
This usually hits hardest with docs about old bands or music scenes. The rock and roll lifestyle means the old farts being interviewed often look nothing like the young people in the concert footage or album art
It’s like in an news article when the introduction of a person was edited out an never put back in. “Who is this Dr Stewart who suddenly jumped into this conversation? Why do I care about them?”
Makes me think of poorly-written Wikipedia plot summaries where they sometimes forget to even mention characters until they become pivotal to the plot.
Too many times this happens. If you’re lucky, a better written article of the same topic exists online so you can figure it out. Unlucky if every other article basically just copied the same baffling source material.
Hello LARRY nice to see you again LARRY hello I'm LARRY the guy from EARLIER in the movie
How am I supposed to follow what's going on without the characters having their name, level, and HP above their heads??
Just put a stripe on the bottom, let us know who's on the ice at any given time.
More to the point documentarians should face up to having at best about 45% attention of their viewers at any given time
Just float a persistent label next to everyone’s head imo
this would be great, also they could include a helpful nickname like "Mark Stidham (you remember him from before) - Creepy Guy Married to the LuLaRoe Lady Even Though They Have Different Last Names"
Amazon Prime has an overlay they call X Ray when you juggle the mouse that will tell you who is onscreen in the current scene if they fill it out. It's helpful.
this was an issue for me during the frank miller doc. what is the context in which they know each other i beg you
video games generally get this right, in continuing to put the character names on their dialogue boxes for the entire game
simple captions at the bottom clearly identifies who is speaking, esp for those with impairments.
I'm somewhat faceblind. It helps to give each character an affectation like always wears a scarf, a different speech pattern, different height or unusual hair color, a hand full of rings, a peculiar clothing style, a cane/limp/ unusual gait, tattoos or scars... You get the idea.
I pictured this happening all at once and I got Axl Rose
Which certain age? I'm an old and if I'm watching a Netflix doc series I can't keep the people straight before the end of the 1st episode
If you turn on subtitles the speaker will usually be ID'd regularly with lines of dialogue (at least in some cases)
I work in corporate video. I re-ID whenever the job title is directly relevant to sound bite. If it’s a video longer than five minutes I re-ID every act break. Sometimes I just ID the whole video because I’m feeling generous.
I appreciate the WW2 YouTube history channel I watch who puts up a little headshot and placard when someone is brought up again like it’s the first time.
I’ve finished many a documentary & thought to myself “good for dude with a weird beard,” “jeez the lady that likes purple was a trip…”
I've seen some reality shows start adding not just names but context. It's helpful to be reminded "this is the guy who said XYZ crazy thing earlier"
and look there’s a 1/3 chance I was fiddling with my phone when they were introduced so yeah
Happens with articles in serious magazines, too. You'll skim back fifteen pages to figure out who "Krustofsky" is.
They introduce someone 30 minutes before they say something really interesting and then I don't know who they were because I wasn't interested in them when they said their name.
Just leave their name up on the screen, you already made the graphic
Yes. Every time. Also, could use this in fictional movies as well
Finally the solid non-airplane use-case for the Vision Pro
i’m 20 but i feel this heavily
Oh that drives me insane. It happens in interviews on various radio programs as well.
I’ve had to stop watching films because I couldn’t keep track of who was talking and the context of what they were saying. Not only did I not remember names, people changed outfits and hairstyles since they were obviously interviewed multiple times. Chyrons, captions, text on screen would help.
Reality TV shows do this a lot eg Brian and Tom, Cool Dads