Angelo Zanola

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Angelo Zanola

Other counterpoint- Mitt Romney after Josh Hawley almost got him murdered.
Emotional maturity is realizing that’s it’s okay to lower the Alan Wake 2 from Normal to Story because 1) I don’t have time for this and 2) it’s called ‘Story’ and isn’t that just another narrative meta level to this whole thing?
Yeah, but in the end the guys who made the most money and cultural impact off of Frank Miller’s gritty comics were some guys who made fun of it.
Actually a NYSAIS inspection was the first arc when Wolverine became headmaster.
Had me worried about you for a second, then I remembered the year. Have you read the other great Watchmen sequel from that year- Keiron Gillen and Caspar Wijngaard’s Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt?
One of my favorite little running jokes in comics is the male character who everyone else acknowledges is just super-hot. It’s a fun joke that Todoroki in My Hero Academia does not realize he’s the class hunk and half the women in Usagi Yojimbo see that rabbit and want to jump his bones.
Also Shake It Off literally has a line ‘My Ex-Man brought his new girlfriend’ and came out the same year as this Gyllenhaal movie…
I thought I was smart, I thought I was right, I thought it better not to fight. I thought there was a virtue in always being cool.
I got my arrow. I got my bow. I got my fire.
The most recent print edition of My Hero Academia ends with the best slow march to a final two page spread I have seen in comics for a long time and the best use of MHA’s ’reveal the chapter title on the last page’ gimmick. When a cliffhanger is that magnificent it deserves to breathe.
Yotsuba&! is a great comic and I love the running gag that this four year old is effortlessly great at certain physical things like swimming and yoga.
JD Vance working towards Klingon brow.
Patrick Stewart as Scrooge screaming “There… are… four… ghosts” because everyone forgets to count Marley.
I want to write a Dracula book for Marvel just so I can have a McFarlane homage cover where the joke is that Dracula is not reflected on Wolverine’s claws.
The Farm Visit is one of the best comic stories of the century so far.
My favorite example of this is I gave a friend’s kid Superman Smashes the Klan and a different adult saw the Klan robes and swastikas and worried that kids would be exposed to racism… and yeah, that’s the point. And then you see Superman clobber them because racists are bad guys.
I really really love the scattered issues Morrison did filling in the gaps of what happened to Bruce immediately before and during Final Crisis. Those issues with The Lump posing as Alfred where Morrison tries to distill different eras of Batman in a single panel… so great.
Not a question- just want everyone to know you can buy authorized Jack Kirby action figures at Target because he was on an episode of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon.
Hey it’s Jet Jaguar from Godzilla vs Megalon
Since every time TMNT gets enough merch they inevitably do something with Usagi Yojimbo to get a royalty check to Stan Sakai I have been keeping an eye on the toy section of my Target. Paid off today. I was certainly not expecting to find a toy based on the time Donatello hung out with Jack Kirby.
Avatar Heads up, my Target’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle section had both fresh Usagi Yojimbo and JACK KIRBY toys in stock this week. I’ve been keeping an eye out for Miyamoto’s but I only know about the Kirby episode because of Chris’ old Comics Alliance article.
I did check and they went full image rights and education links on the packaging. After decades of seeing Stan Lee toys everywhere I finally got one of The King. Sometimes massive marketing Goliaths come through for you.
A big chunk of Hamlet’s advice to the players is Shakespeare bitching about how Will Kempe would not stop ad-libbing.
Practically as soon as he left Marvel Comics Jack Kirby torched Stan Lee to the goddamn ground.
“Only who can prevent forest fires?”