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Cat Mom, Cynic, Tattooed Curvy Nasty Woman, Poet, Gamer, Coloradan in Las Vegas, Queer as Fuck, Scrum Master, She/Her, 50

Sometimes I reskeet adult content and skeet about sports

Discord: angrypandapoet

Married to: 🏳️‍⚧
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
Every day is a battle against the urge to yell “GET A LIFE, OR DIE” at strangers. Every single day.
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
"are you a bottom or a top" do you want to sit here debating semantics or do you want to make out with me and see what happens
"are you a bottom or a top?" The important thing is, I'm meeting new people
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
its 2024 baby lets turn those 400 internet girlfriends into 400 internet wives
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
The thing about having a cat is when you hear a strange sound in your house, you don’t bother to get up because it’s the cat, but when you hear a weird sound in your house, you have to get up because it’s definitely the cat and the cat is in goblin mode.
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
if you can help Jane stay in her home, please do.
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
well, seeing as i'm close to a nice little milestone before the end of 2023... fuck it, at 2K i'll post cosmic void 🍑
picked up a Scientific American for my flight back to LA today and i'm SO proud to share the news that I made the cover story of this month's issue! 🌌 🍑
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
So, the biggest change to how I use social media in 2023 is NOT me leaving the former Twitter, first slowly and then all at once, it's been my adoption of the "Don't Engage, Just Block" philosophy when dealing with jerks/trolls/sealions. It's kept my timeline tidy, and it's made me happier. Try it.
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
Me, following you around when you’re sad
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
My resolution for 2024 is to convince more billionaires to get into submersibles
Good morning. Back at work. Hope everyone had a good holiday.
Merry Christmas to those that celebrate
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
Dumped my true love after they sent me a series of increasingly bizarre gifts I did not have the space or resources for. AITA?
I hate when your appointment is at 1230 and you’re still waiting at 110
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
The search function on here finally picks up the text in your alt text. Should be helpful finding memes and old pictures.
Be proud of me. This depressed bitch took a shower.
30 minutes and then I’m off work until the day after Christmas
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
"But the economy is going great!! Wages have risen 3 percent and unemployment is down!! What don't you plebians understand!"
WASHINGTON (AP) — US homelessness, tied to soaring rents and loss of pandemic aid, up 12% to highest level since reporting began in 2007.
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Reposted byAvatar Amanda
it's very funny that people keep insisting the economy is fine when everyone's feeling the threat of precarity so much more acutely, you could be making more money and seeing your friends foreclosed on or in massive medical debt and you're not gonna actually feel secure
WASHINGTON (AP) — US homelessness, tied to soaring rents and loss of pandemic aid, up 12% to highest level since reporting began in 2007.
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saying you’re the coolest person on bluesky is like saying you have the nicest car at the ford pinto meetup
Reposted byAvatar Amanda
i am continually aghast that we are witnessing the most widespread slaughter of journalists in modern world history and it is not topic A in the media industry. where the hell is the outrage???
It is with great sadness and outrage that I pass along word that Samer has died of his wounds.