
In case you’re not willing to believe they’re hell-bent on enabling the fascists
The ability to consistently have the worst possible framing is incredible.
Funny that NYT is openly rooting for authoritarianism, when they’ll be the first outlet to be shut down and its editors jailed
There is no number of boots they can lick that will save them from getting kicked in the teeth. They might be able to pivot to being the fascist party organ, but they'll have to outdo the Post.
Whoo boy, those two papers are having a fash-off
And the Post has a head start for reliability. The NYT could bring along the ambivalent suburban middle-class, though. Convince them (er, us, in my case, though I think I know what is up) that they are fine and just need to keep going along feeling superior.
“The Paper of Record.” My ass
Labour got a third of the popular vote, less than the Tories plus Reform.
Starmer got elected on the lowest share of the vote ever for any winning party (33.5%) and without the intervention of Nigel Farage and the far-right (who, lest we forget, stood down for Tory candidates to prevent Corbyn from winning in 2019) he'd still be in opposition.
Take it from me, they're in big trouble at the next election. It's Macron 2.0 and they know it and they're completely fine with it, it's all good as long as you keep the Corbynites down.
One of the most noticable things about the TV coverage of the result that as soon as the exit poll came in, the first thing out of the mouths of every commentator was "this is an awesome vindication of Starmer purging the left" the sheer glee of the pundits was really sickening
By contrast the defeate Tories, who really did get a massive beating, were treated with an astonishing degree of magnanimity by the commentators, wishing them the best, really showed that the priority was always a matter of beating the left rather than beating the Tories.
I could go on, but as the night went on and it turned out the Greens had done well, Labour had hugely underperformed the polls, and that they'd actually lost half a million votes compared to Corbyn in 2019 the mood changed a little and they were visibly disturbed by it.
Starmer is also quite unpopular, right?
Yes, very unpopular, he's had negative approval ratings throughout his time in office, he's very bland, he's very dishonest. Liberal apologetics for him are all of the "well yes he's boring and uncharismatic and, actually, here's that's a good thing" variety, it's really desperate stuff
As always, I'd recommend Richard Seymour's take on things from the New Left Review if you want to get yourself up to speed with the dynamics at work, also feel free to ask me any queries or questions (i'm a big fan of the show etc):
Richard Seymour, Majority Without a Mandate — Elections in the UK.
Got him lined up for next week’s radio show.
lowest turnout in a quarter of a century, Labour only increased their share of the vote by barely a percentage point over Jeremy Corbyn. Most skewed result in terms of votes vs seats in history. this all should give Labour pause, but, it will not.
“Why doesn’t it feel like it?” Is VERBATIM Fox News when reporting. Whew. Breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️
If anyone wants to hack A.J. Sulzberger’s email for the greater good, I bet there’s some absolute gems in there
Imagining the MANDATE Conservatives would have with that kind of result.
I mean they did help to enable fascists and Nazis in the U.S. during the 30s - 40s. That paper has always been pro fascist.
I haven't read the article but the fact is that labour gained more seats than the conservatives because they won some back but more importantly, conservatives lost votes and seats to liberal democrats, and Reform. Their overall count majority was pretty low.
UK election analysis: A fragile The left-of-centre Labour Party has won a landslide victory in the UK election, while right-wing parties are prevailing elsewhere in Europe. But beneath the surface, the far right remains a force for ...
What... I mean... where does this extremely obvious bias come from? The extremity of it seems 'fairly' recent? That suggests someone or a group of specific people with power pulling levers harder. Is there anything coming from insiders? (Or ex-insiders?) Answer my questions immediately, Anil!
Funnily enough, the "World Socialist Website" has the same take, except they're also furious that Starmer will "bring Britain into open conflict with russia at the upcoming NATO summit."
I assume the reasoning is that Labour's vote totals are up 1-2% from the last general, and the Tories lost a bajillion votes not just to Labour but to "Reform" aka UKIP 2, electric boogaloo. 412 seats is, however, 412 seats.