Anna Grigoryan

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Anna Grigoryan

she/her, writer, podcaster, recovering overachiever, -- short essays on culture, tech, fandoms and why we should care about the little things
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All the people who made bank off disparaging Amber Heard are terrible fucking people? Wow who could have seen that coming? Oh wait people were literally saying it before, during, and after the US trial because it was painfully obvious the ENTIRE TIME
i'm so happy spotify thinks i'm in my 20s.
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Reposted byAvatar Anna Grigoryan
When JK Rowling realized she would never be as good a children's author as Roald Dahl was she took a secret blood oath to defeat him at bigotry
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Imagine if we judged the status quo by the same standards as we judged people who want it changed.
Do they ever get tired of reading the same article
Reposted byAvatar Anna Grigoryan
Kendrick obliterated Drake so hard they’re drawing fanart of him on Tumblr
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Posting this again because a lot of people said they found it helpful! Guide to ALT text:
i feel like sometimes there are *cultural moments* that come around and assault our feeds. we don't need to know about them yet we inject some information just being here. this is to say you don't have to engage with it just to have a reaction to it.
Mediocrity is the The earth is healing
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New language for our publisher guidelines? "We don't knowingly sell titles that employ generative AI in any capacity. If we find out a particular title was created using AI, we reserve the right to remove AI-generated portions or delete the title from our offerings entirely." Opinions welcome
watching Twilight (Contrapoints's version)
writers, I have a question. I've joined more than one writing server... and I gotta ask. Is this overwhelming focus on tips and tricks, audience growth hacks a new thing or it was always like this? Personally it makes me feel anxious instead of creative.
i think another key part here is (and a lot of other social media companies are coming to this imo) apple owns the hardware. software is eating the world, but hardware is where it runs. apple managed to a chunk of hardware market. Not all but enough to do stuff like this.
Paul Graham posted this at X. Here's the key part: "We don't want to think about Apple being evil. *It would be so inconvenient.*" As someone who studies these companies, the comparative outrage over Meta/TikTok/socials v. Apple is amazing to me Apple is the North Korea of tech companies. 1/
Tumblr is about to sell their user's data to Midjourney and Open AI. Though they allow opting out of the program.
it's always shenanigans with Libra :D
Libra: You'll meet your soulmate this week! *holds finger to earpiece* No, we are just hearing that, due to an administrative error, your soulmate was born in a remote village on the other side of the world and as a result, true love will forever elude you.
I just stepped outside of my flat, the sky is blue. this is messed up it should be gray. are you seeing this too?
he's so embarrassing lmao
I wrote a short essay on why I love "Good Will Hunting" and how it's narrative is similar to superhero narratives in my opinion. Very excited to get back into writing! #writing
"Good Will Hunting" gets On the shallow superhero narratives.
Lets get away from the numbers game for a moment. What did you write this week that made you proud as a writer? #writingcommunity
yes and exactly because "work" has an aesthetic attached to it creative people find it hard to call what they do "work". "I'm a writer, but i spend time thinking about my characters that's not work" - no it is!
What I've learned from living in this world is that it's not enough to work hard, the work has to LOOK LIKE work. So rest could never be work. And nobody deserves anything good unless they work a lot. And then we wonder why we're burned out.
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We cannot even begin to discuss introducing AI into the workforce until we get rid of the concept that one must work to earn a living, that one must work to justify living. Replacing workers doesn't get them more free time, it gives them poverty and death.
building a content platform seems unethical at this point. even if i feel like i can make it better than others. the business model itself by definition feels exploitative. the only way to make a content platform work is to make it not for profit. and build some other business around it.
listen... i love garbage day, i used to pay for it. but these pieces by them get on my nerves. not every single place has to entertain you to death.
Bluesky’s biggest selling points are things it doesn’t Read to the end for a good cat video
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Save money this Valentine's Day by being unlovable
finding a community of writers that doesn't focus on competitiveness and bashing other writers, and posting on tiktok every day... it's harder than you think. borderline impossible.
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“Her brand of feminism has never felt inclusive, yet she’s been praised for empowering women.”
I'm So Damn Tired Of Taylor Swift — And 1 Thing Pushed Me Over The It's getting old.
a new introduction (i wish i could pin this) for new folks incoming! I'm Anna, I write as a hobby, I'm into podcasts and video essays. I have a small blog where I let out my feels about the internet I have a cat, and I live in good old Lithuania. Welcome! 👋
yes please! Please listen to your actual users and don't go into the "this is cool for tech people" pipeline so many open source projects go down to.
Bsky opening up is fine, whatever, but I hate the idea they're going the way of Mastodon and doing the federated instances. I don't want that. I don't want to have to choose which niche box to go into and lose access to everything else. It sucks