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Village Trustee (Chairman Pro-Tempore), village of 92 in the Nebraska Panhandle. Democratic Socialist. Disabled Navy veteran with epilepsy. Former erotic Romance novel editor. Flag committee chair. I'm in the telephone book under my real name. He/him
We'll probably never know what the shooter's goal was unless he left some sort of manifesto which hasn't been released yet. For the moment it seems like "suicide by cop." Had he wanted, he could have used a bump stock and sprayed the whole venue.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
He did not run. Poking his head over the roof edge whilst holding the ladder with both hands, the shooter swung around with a rifle to kill him. As the cop did not have a third hand to pull a quick draw on someone already aiming at him, he ducked. The shooter rising made him visible to the USSS.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Also, please never forget or forgive Trump and his terrible cronies who made that first wave of COVID vastly worse than it could have been. A vicious, miserable pack of losers and failures who should never be entrusted with public office again.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
I'm not going to SDCC, but I masked throughout NYCC (and for every other public event I've done since COVID began) & I haven't gotten sick since the first wave, back when Trump's miserable failure of surgeon general was telling us NOT to mask. In short, I highly recommend masking at public events.
Anybody planning to mask at SDCC? I brought thee most horrendous case of covid back with me from NYCC last year and gave it to the whole family. lost my voice for 2 weeks. I hear cases are up again and I would like to avoid a repeat
"Subscribe now for our base package Thunderstorm Warning alert service for the low price of $20 a month! For added security you can add our Severe Bundle Alerts including Tornado Warnings and tsunami alerts for $15 more! Operators are standing by!"
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the convention God intervened to save Trump from an assassin. I guess God just didn't care for that guy who was killed.
I had to look up Al Khalil, since I haven't heard of that name. Travel from the USA to the Occupied West bank from is not difficult now (no visa required, cannot stay beyond passport expiration). That changes August 1 when Israel imposes a new Electronic Authorisation scheme. /1
As for Iraq, they require an entry visa and prohibit work. There are exceptions; those are listed on the Iraqi Embassy Website. /2
Visas to Iraq | Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Washington,
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a number of different types of entry visas, including tourists, the Hajj, and residency visas. Those can be found at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia. /end
Visa Types | The Embassy of The Kingdom of Saudi
I'll occasionally poke my head into r/PastorArrested or r/FundieSnarkUncensored but that's about it.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
And no one is mentioning that water tower either, the highest object with a line-of-sight and also not secured. This whole thing was a clusterfuque.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
So you're one of those settlers you're on about. Then you settled somewhere else? Or maybe it's not the "settle" part that's bad since humans have always migrated since coming out of Africa, but attendant violence if they don't agree to get along.
Isaiah 45:7 Does a toddler have free will to be raped by a pastor?
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Fun fact: People has 8x the subscribers of the NYT.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
“I’ve been very centrist about my politics but this has made me decide to endorse Trump. Please do not scroll through my timeline to see my last five years of endorsing Trump, that would really fuck with my new narrative.”
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Today a bold new accomplishment in Posting: a Something Awful user eats a 100,000 hour probation and immediately resumes the conversation they were having, without acknowledging the intervening eleven and four-tenths years.
Reposted byAvatar Anymouse
Tour de France and Olympic athletes are wearing masks because they understand that catching COVID could undo years of hard work and sacrifices.
Yes, thank you. I wonder why so few Secret Service agents were assigned. That's above my paygrade though.
I cannot see what you posted. That person has me blocked.
Secret Service agents are permanently assigned to protectees. Trump picks people for loyalty, not competence. Think VP Pence when unknown Secret Service agents wanted to bundle him away from the Capitol. He refused to go, and stayed with his detail.
On that I'm not going to blame a cop. He's climbing a ladder (both hands occupied) and pokes his head up to see a shooter point a rifle at him. There would be no time to try to stabilise himself to pull a gun and fire.
Governor Greg Abbot (R-TX) said basically same. By that logic, Adolph Hitler would also be blessed by God for surviving his attempted assassination in 1944.
Congradumalashuns! You won!