apearlma.bsky.social followers

Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
This Emad after 3 times blocked from Blusky why because I'm Palestinian and looking for the safety for my family

Please support me and my family I feel like I lost the hope😔😞 I only have you now


Thank you for understanding
Bloguers.net 🌐
Bloguers.net 🌐
Comunidad de creadores de contenido.
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🌐 https://bloguers.net
Bruno J. Navarro
Bruno J. Navarro
newsroom veteran, fledgling cellist, former emt | he/they | views my own | RT ≠ endorsement | ex CNBC, WWD, TODAY show, NBCNews, Associated Press, Arizona Republic etc
in MIA MI, México &
Entrepreneur, Actor & Producer
I orbit the sun. Sometimes I imagine casting people into it.
Fight the good fight 🇺🇸
Fight the good fight 🇺🇸
America first 🇺🇸
Rhonda Libbey
Rhonda Libbey
Painter, dreamer, happy fool, ferret friend (she/her)

Engineer, hobby rocketeer, aviation nut, space geek. All views are my own.
Arash Mohebbi
Arash Mohebbi
Just an old man trying to get by with art, language studies, manga and a burning hatred of conservatism.
my old art is on https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44253033
Elbee Day
Elbee Day
Feminism, dogs, literature, Appalachia, paranormal investigation, and travel. PhD fwiw

We repeat what we don’t repair.
KDennis21 in a past life
Erin Golsen
Erin Golsen
Back in Kentucky after many years away. I love to read and you can find me on Litsy as @decalino. I mostly post about my dogs, my cat, the creek in my backyard, flowers and books. All photos are my own, unfiltered, unless otherwise noted. #post.news
Exposing Andrew Tate and the War Room. Long covid and POTS. Youtuber
Jessica Metzler
Jessica Metzler
Writer, teacher, scholar. Is this where we’re all hanging out now?
Retired lawyer and public policy analyst, leftist humanitarian. I don’t look like this anymore.
David Noll
David Noll
Law prof at Rutgers

Pre-order VIGILANTE NATION: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Vigilante-Nation/Jon-Michaels/9781668023235
Viggo Mortensen
Viggo Mortensen
Proof of Burden
Proof of Burden
The politics poster your mom warned you about. Impeach, exhume, try, and convict Richard M. Nixon. Occasional earnest lib posting, but sorry about it. Press secretary for The Prophetess of Discourse. Brainworms taxonomist. he/him
Curriculum Writer and Editor; Chicagoan from Texas; LPHS mom; feeder of cats; petter of dogs; very reliable voter
Scotch, beach, dog.
Eng-sakher Hanouna
Eng-sakher Hanouna
‏I know that the world is full of good people willing to help. Your donation will be a ray of hope in a dark and difficult time.

Nathan J. Williams
Nathan J. Williams
Boston-area nerd, computer professional, parent, cook, brewer, award-winning cidermaker. He/him.
Also @[email protected] (fediverse), nathanw.62 (Signal)
Franklin D. Roosefella
Franklin D. Roosefella
Shitlib 4 politics
Toffee 4 fitba
Bikes 4 transport
NATO 4 security
NAhFO 4 russophobic, cartoon dogs
He / my oblique & possessive pronouns are clear from my nom. pronoun
Breuklyn & sometimes RI, USA
Then vs Now Photos
Then vs Now Photos
How Past looks in present
Chaplain John
Chaplain John
Grateful for community, especially after so much plague! Palliative Care Chaplain focusing on caring and listening. He/him.

Lover of music, movies, MCU, Zelda, and all things silly.
e.g. Alice Roberts
e.g. Alice Roberts
e.g. Artist, dog-lover, avid reader.
No one cares
No one cares
I am desperate for Bluesky attention.
Word lover, punster, political, democracy-loving, music & arts supporter, defender of Voting, Civil, and Women's Rights.
Writer, occasional artist, wannabe visionary.
Description of Me? Hmm ... How 'bout this? "Medically Retired - Epilepsy, TBI, MDD & PTSD - Sarcasm & Cynicism Free of Charge" ... TMI? Hold on ... ... yeah ... IDGAF ... thnx ...