
I think it is hilarious that any reporter ever took the idea that Roberts is deeply concerned about the court's reputation. Or his own, for that matter. He never gave a fuck.
on the contrary, I think he absolutely did. he was playing the long game to get us where we were today and now he’s cashing in the goodwill that a credulous press and legal establishment gave him
Exactly my thinking. He seems astutely aware of how fast they can move without triggering widespread revolt.
He allowed Obama care and gay marriage. He’s just gotten older and more poisoned by conservative media. Pretty normal character arc
Absolutely. I still cannot process Roberts twice sitting in the Senate as the judge presiding over the High Court of Impeachment. All I could see was Citizens United v. FEC and wonder how much money was his wife earning.
5-4, he cared, or at least acted like he did. With a 6-3 majority, he doesn't need to care.
Really can't anymore as the other 5 will just override him. "Oh well, might as well go all the way now!"
No, I think he did, or thought he did. Not that you're wrong, exactly, but I don't think he would have done this even five years ago, even if he (with whatever degree of self-consciousness) really wanted to. As with so many over the past decade, he always had the seed in him. It's flowering.
Push came to shove, he collaborated. He was always going to.
I mean, he has been, but only to the extent necessary to prevent the loss of power. That's the purpose of it. Obergefell or only-partly gutting the ACA were the t-bone steaks thrown by a cartoon bandit to the guard dogs to keep them from defending the house.
And I bet a solid portion of reporters have always recognized this. It's probably why they liked talking about it so much. The cynicism and savvyness they enjoy so much has been clear as day.
He definitely gave a shit BEFORE getting that sweet sweet conservative majority— now he can hide alongside the other cavemen
Every single one of those assholes lied their way onto the Court.
Lying to Congress is felony, investigable by Congress. They didn't.
He cares what the Fed Soc thinks of him.
"You just don't understand journalamism. Powerful people say things, and we write them down and publish them!"
Supreme Court is doing the post Covid YOLO
When all you have is upside, regardless of what you do …
Well, THEY gave the POWER to BIDEN...will he have the COURAGE to USE IT.