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(she/they) community college physics prof, loves cats, plays too many video games

Let’s plays (mostly unspoiled) at https://www.youtube.com/@aproustian

Previously @aproustian on twitter, @[email protected] on mastodon
Got an exotic cloak for my hunter with Heart of Inmost Light & Coyote on it (HOIL means if I use dodge or grenade it charges my melee, for example, and Coyote gives me an extra dodge) Paired with dodging slows enemies & combination blow for strong punches, and I’m actually enjoying a Hunter build!
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4/x I was raised to understand that this was not my vote *at all*. I was taught this is a *A* vote, a share of the responsibility and power of democracy to sway the giant dangerous fucking thing that is a Government, and I'm just getting to drive this bit of it while I'm alive.
Well, this is it: 65 hours into Hollow Knight and it’s time to try for the first ending
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Me: this sounds awesome I should get it Past me: I agree and maybe you should tackle your TBR pile on your nook
fuck me this got popular, buy my book or something. It started its life in creative convention which gives it the ignominious honour of being a successful goon project I guess. www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Da...
The Dawnhoundswww.simonandschuster.com Gideon the Ninth meets Black Sun in this queer, Māori-inspired debut fantasy about a police officer who is murdered, brought back to life with a my...
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I mean it is still technically illegal to buy a vibrator in Alabama, maybe run on a platform to make porn LEGAL here first
I regret to inform you we will have to start advertising on Pornhub about Project 2025's plan to ban porn
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(Thread) Driving in the countryside here in Aotearoa New Zealand: At a 4 way intersection, I looked at the car coming from the other direction and realised that a human with a dog head was driving the car. Okay, a werewolf was driving the car. (1)
Ok, inspired by @ebthen.bsky.social’s Blue State Challenge (where people in blue states pick a cause they care about and support it in a red state) I’m now donating monthly to WAWC Healthcare in Alabama Because even if I feel (relatively…) secure where I am, we all actually rely on each other
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A thread about the value of the fine structure constant in Quantum Electrodynamics. (1/137)
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This is the Blue State Challenge. It's for people in blue states who feel frustrated with what's happening in red states. 1: Pick your most hated (or most loved) Red State. 2: Choose an issue you care about. 3: Find a group in that state working on that issue. 4: Support that group.
We literally wrote “Cecil’s box” in sharpie on this box so it wouldn’t get discarded the last time we moved It’s a decade-old box, reinforced with tape, and it’s the perfect size and shape for cats
it is caturday so here is biscuit in a box. post your cat in a box if you want to be cool
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Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by peacocksandpinecones.co.uk is. Zoom in on the detail
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it ain't easy bein a litch nowadays (1/3)
Tonight my raid team finally made it through the Witness 🎉 It’s never taken this long to finish a raid before (although a couple guys have already, through lfg), but between wanting to do as much as possible unspoiled & scheduling woes, tonight was our first time to really drill down on the boss
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Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
Feels like every day I could get on here & say, “X in hollow knight is kicking my ass” then a few hours later/the next day “hey I got past X!” It’s interesting to me that the progression of “terrible->merely bad->getting ok->good enough to get through” is the same for bosses & jumping puzzles
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I have finished SOVEREIGN, the second book in the Nemesis series by @aprildaniels.bsky.social, and I am pleased to report that there is no second-book drop in quality: it's hard, sharp, sincere, and absolutely delightful.
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New story day! "This Mentor Lives" is about a wizard working himself to death raising chosen ones--but his kids are worried for him. It's time for an intervention. You can read it free at @havenspec.bsky.social right here: www.havenspec.com/this-mentor-...
This Mentor Lives by J.R. Dawson & John Wiswell, Haven Spec Magazinewww.havenspec.com a magazine of science fiction and fantasy
Tfw you’ve made a huge mistake
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The real final fantasy is improving society somewhat
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"This is Kafkaesque." - me, waking up tired on July 1st
From Franz Kafka's diaries.
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i don't know why i had to do this i'm sorry
Ruddy ducks are small diving ducks that breed in our marshes. They often hang out with other ruddy ducks, but there is sometimes friction. This male Ruddy Duck had just about enough of another male’s proximity and decided to “take care of business”!🪶
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Chad insisted the new bookshelf was a cat perch even though it didn’t have a solid surface for him to sit on. After he flailed his legs through the gaps and knocked over everything on the shelf below about 30 times, we gave in and covered it in fabric for him. He’s very pleased with himself.
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To anyone who was concerned having a double upgraded nail would trivialize the Mantis Lords: Fear not, the trick is to get absolutely bodied by every attack they throw at you, then the fight is still very challenging