Ari Cohn

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Ari Cohn

First Amendment & defamation lawyer. Free Speech Counsel @ TechFreedom

Illini/music junkie/oofnik.

“A snarky gay lawyer Jessica Fletcher.”
I feel like the timing of this is....not coincidental
That's a hard disagree from me
What's it a sign of when you invite some of the world's most notorious dipshits to spew nonsense on your podcast for like 5 hours while you sit there like a credulous dope?
But there are dreams that cannot beeeeeeeee
There was a time when men were kind, And their voices were soft, And their words inviting. [...] There was a time when it all went wrong...
Techbrosephine invents MySpace in 2024
For a guy who thinks the Court shouldn't legislate, Thomas sure is keen on re-writing Section 230. Congress chose to protect online services from liability for user content. That's entirely separate from, and immaterial to, the expressiveness of their choices.
I am not mentioned once in this article, yet my name appears in the "key words." Am I being used as SEO now?
Cert granted in FSC v. Paxton, where the 5th Circuit ignored binding precedent on the standard of scrutiny applying to content-based, Internet speech restrictions. Giving SCOTUS yet another opportunity to wonder aloud if the 5th Cir. has the collective legal reasoning skills of a jelly donut.
This not only makes it fairly clear that the content moderation laws' main thrust will not survive, but it also puts to bed the idea that "just regulating how the algorithms present content" does not implicate the First Amendment.
This is it. This is the point.
Goodnight, Sweet Pruneyard.
This opinion might be up there for the most brutal treatment of a Circuit Court in modern times.
Upshot: SCOTUS vacates and remands the NetChoice cases because of the facial challenge irregularity that came up at oral arguments, but the Court takes the time to explain how it views the First Amendment principles at issue, with a not-at-all-disguised swipe at the 5th Circuit.
Another banger from BI: "Traveling across the country with six people costs money. Did you know there are things you can do closer to home that are cheaper?"
With tips like "nature is free," a subscription to BI easily pays for itself
Look if in three years of "cat-and-mouse" the idea of taking away your kid's smartphone has never occurred to you, you might just be a shitty parent.
I imagine that it's very fun to be a district court judge urged to follow another circuit's terrible opinion, because you really don't have to refrain from saying "that court is on drugs"
The problem with being primarily a culture warrior is that you don't tend to think things all the way through. Oof.
Murthy gets reversed and remanded on lack of standing. This was never the right case to establish the standards for Internet jawboning.
lmao ACB shanked Judge Doughty and the Fifth Circuit with one swift motion
I feel like I have this exact exchange with my father every time I embark on a quest to fix an appliance or do some other household maintenance that I could also just pay someone to take care of.
I can't believe it's been two years. There are still days I swear I can hear one of the little snorts he did when he wanted something and I half expect to see him run perk up from a nap when I walk in the door. We miss you every day, Denver.
This little booger
You're seeing that because they blocked me (after deleting their dumbass post). It was these clowns.
It's shit like this that makes it impossible for me to leave Twitter for good.
Is anyone going to talk about how Argentina is being run by Johnny Galecki in a terrible wig?
Things like this are what will ultimately cause future civilizations to be confused about whether Curb Your Enthusiasm or newspaper archives are the actual historical record.