
everyone needs to calm the hell down. i'm not in the biden-defending business, but he had one half of one debate that went poorly. that elected dems are talking about removing is ridiculous.
consider this though:
CNN's new poll: Trump leads Biden 49/43. Trump leads Harris 47/45. Some differences: —Independents: Biden -10%. Harris +3%. —People of color: Biden +21. Harris +29. The side-by-side:
the good news is, this isn't a significant change from this poll's previous incarnation - of course, that's also the bad news!
And does anyone actually believe that polling will hold if she were to become the nominee, getting all the national media scrutiny Biden's getting plus racist and sexist attack ads? I just think polling for someone not actively running for president and for someone who is can't be compared.
Yep. There would be ways of rolling her out that would mitigate this; you could give her a good push. But that doesn't mean it won't happen. A lot of people are going to despise her immediately no matter what.